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28 participants

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Ven 30 Juin 2017, 19:29

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    this weekend we are going hot for europe. From today Friday 23:59 to Monday 23:59 german time you have the chance to add great statues to your collection. It works on the first come first serve basis. Your order is only active and confirmed if the invoice with deposit follows from us. Some good pieces are around. Safe your piece today.

    Contact us under:

    XM Classic Iron Man : 1040 Euro
    XM Black Panther : 890 Euro
    XM Black Bolt : 990 Euro
    XM Daredevil : 880 Euro
    XM Lizard : 930 Euro
    XM Vulture : 960 Euro
    XM Mary Jane : 1150 Euro
    XM Darkness : 1299 Euro
    XM Punisher : 990 Euro
    XM Hulk : 849 Euro


    New Page >>> XM Studios Europe Facebook <<< New Page

    You’ll receive an email with all further information after you was fast enough and secured a statue from this hot weekend list.

    Have a nice weekend!


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    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Jeu 20 Juil 2017, 19:47

    News XM Studios Europe

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    today we are proud to present you our new homepage. As the "XM Studios Official Europe Master Distributor" from XM Studios Premium Collectibles we at GHEROES working hard to reach our friends in singapore. It´s a long way, but we can do it with you. After a few more information specially on the Pre-Order from XM Magdalena you can visit the new shop under The shop is available on English and German, choose your language. If you have a question please write a comment or contact us under We are here for you!


    Please note! You must re-register your account. The old accounts are gone with the old page. We are sorry for that.


    Pre-Order XM Magdalena:
    This will be our first Pre-Order on the new page. The Pre-Order starts tomorrow 21st July and goes completely online at 19:00 (German time zone). If you want this beautiful piece, please register before on the new page. XM Magdalena will be retailing at €1099 with an MTO edition size. Safe your Pre-Order.


    Now have fun on and discover the site with:

    - XM Studios 1/4 Statue
    - XM Studios 1/4 Bust
    - XM Studios 1/6 Statue
    - XM Studios Upcoming
    - XM Studios Now
    - XM Studios Brand
    - XM Studios Partners

    .... and more!


    We are here - For you!

    XM Studios Europe - Facebook
    XM Studios Europe - Twitter
    XM Studios Europe - Instagram
    XM Studios Europe - tumblr
    XM Studios Europe - google+
    XM Studios Europe - Pinterest
    XM Studios Europe - YouTube


    We wish you all a nice weekend!


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    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Ven 21 Juil 2017, 15:25

    XM Studios Europe News

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    we are proud to announce the first Pre-Order on our new homepage Today at 19:00 (German time zone) we start with the official Pre-Order for the XM Magdalena 1/4 scale statue here with us in europe. Across the millennia, the Magdalenas, official warrior protectors of the Catholic Church have battled in secret, protecting humanity from the supernatural threats and evil that would tear our world apart. The Magdalene is trained on several styles of fighting and will be retailing at €1099 with an MTO edition size. Safe your Pre-Order today.


    XM Magdalena goes completely online today at 19:00 (German time zone)


    Please note:
    You must re-register your account on the new homepage.


    New Page >>> XM Studios Europe Facebook <<< New Page

    You’ll receive an email with all further information after you secured one of the XM Magdalena Pre-Order.

    Have a nice weekend!


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    Supreme collector
    Supreme collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1340
    Age : 50
    Localisation : Manhattan
    Date d'inscription : 16/04/2010

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty yo

    Message Dim 23 Juil 2017, 09:12

    900 euros dans certaines statues, ça me ferait mal. Moi, je n'ai pas franchi ce cap, distribution française ou pas. Surtout quand je vois la daredevil ou la cap A et leurs problèmes de proportion anatomique, sans compter sur la sale gueule du hulk. Le reste, c'est du bon, mais à ce prix, ça devient un vrai luxe. scratch

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Dim 23 Juil 2017, 12:35

    It´s all about taste and opinion, we can´t like all the same. Wink
    Saturday Knight Surfer
    Saturday Knight Surfer
    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 2771
    Age : 56
    Localisation : Nancy
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  Saturday Knight Surfer Dim 23 Juil 2017, 13:49

    GrumpyBear a écrit:It´s all about taste and opinion, we can´t like all the same. Wink

    I also think that when you reach a certain amount of $$$$, quality must show at every level. From the concept to the packaging and delivery service.
    And it also means perfect anatomy. I think it's not the case for several of XM sculpts. No one can deny what is objective.
    They have the capacity of producing high end statues and absolute home runs. But for me they miss the goal by far on several statues.
    I know I'm nitpicky, but I can pass on anatomical mistakes.

    But as you said, it's all about taste and opinons. Wink

    Criticare ergo sum

    "C'est un dindon ? C'est un Airbus Beluga ? Non, c'est Supermoche." A propos de la statue Superman "Jim Lee"

    "Cette full, une tuerie ? J'irais même plus loin : c'est un véritable assassinat."

    Je vous ai pourri les statues... Rassurez vous, je peux aussi vous pourrir les lithos...

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Dim 23 Juil 2017, 15:37

    Saturday Knight Surfer a écrit:
    GrumpyBear a écrit:It´s all about taste and opinion, we can´t like all the same. Wink

    I also think that when you reach a certain amount of $$$$, quality must show at every level. From the concept to the packaging and delivery service.
    And it also means perfect anatomy. I think it's not the case for several of XM sculpts. No one can deny what is objective.
    They have the capacity of producing high end statues and absolute home runs. But for me they miss the goal by far on several statues.
    I know I'm nitpicky, but I can pass on anatomical mistakes.

    But as you said, it's all about taste and opinons. Wink

    I agree with you w/o a dicussion and not every statue is perfect. I always say it´s your own money and many from us
    must work very hard for it. If you see something what you don´t like, never buy it.

    Until now i have just 8 XM Studios statues, sometimes depends on money and sometimes if i like it. They improve very
    fast and i have a feeling the STGCC 2017 in september will be very expensive for us. Wink


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Mer 26 Juil 2017, 14:31

    XM Studios Europe News

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    with XM Carnage we are proud to announce the next Pre-Order on our new homepage. The official Pre-Order for the XM Carnage 1/4 scale statue here with us in europe goes online today at 19:00 (German time zone). Carnage was once a serial killer known as Cletus Kasady, and became Carnage after merging with the offspring of the alien symbiote called Venom during a prison breakout. Carnage will be retailing at €1150 with an MTO edition size. Safe your Pre-Order today.


    XM Carnage PO will be opened today at 19:00 (German time zone)


    XM Carnage : Pre-Order - German
    XM Carnage : Pre-Order - English


    Please note:
    You must re-register your account on the new homepage.


    New Page >>> XM Studios Europe Facebook <<< New Page

    You’ll receive an email with all further information after you secured one of the XM Carnage Pre-Order.

    Have a nice weekend!

    Best Regards

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    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Mar 15 Aoû 2017, 14:37

    XM Studios Europe News

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    today GHeroes is proud to announce our new partner for XM Studios statues in the Netherlands. With more than 9 years in our hobby Metropolis Collectibles is one of the most respected stores in the Netherlands. Find them on the homepage under and let it be the address for all your movie, comic and game merchandise.


    Find Metropolis Collectibles on our Partners sites:

    XM Studios Partner - German
    XM Studios Partners - English


    XM Studios Europe Facebook

    We wish you all a nice week!

    Best Regards

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Fbbmcnysr8
    Rédacteur / Editor
    Rédacteur / Editor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1905
    Age : 37
    Localisation : Alsace
    Date d'inscription : 03/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  Xoras Mar 15 Aoû 2017, 19:55

    Le nouveau site web est sympa, c'est beaucoup mieux qu'avant top

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Mer 23 Aoû 2017, 18:38

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    with the Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention - STGCC 2017 in front we open our statues for Reservation today. You can find our XM Studios Premium Collectibles statues in amazingly detailed 1/4 and 1/6 scale on our homepage For information and where to order the Reservation we have included a description with links inside the news under the list of statues. If you have a question please write it in the comments. You can also contact us under: Thank you.


    The following statues are open for Reservation. You can find them on our homepage under "XM Studios Now - Reservation" or you can also use the links for it.

    XM Studios Now - Reservation (German)

    XM Studios Now - Reservation (English)


    Statues for Reservation:

    XM Bane
    XM Catwoman
    XM Cyclops
    XM Darkseid War Diorama
    XM Deathstroke
    XM Dr Octopus
    XM Green Goblin
    XM Harley Quinn
    XM Iron Spider-Man
    XM Joker
    XM Lady Sif
    XM Magneto White Version
    XM Moon Knight
    XM Mr Sinister
    XM Ogre God Bust
    XM Planet Hulk
    XM Poison Ivy
    XM Quicksilver
    XM Rocket & Groot
    XM Scorpion
    XM She-Thor
    XM Spider-Gwen
    XM Spider-Man
    XM Storm
    XM Vision
    XM Weapon X
    XM Winter Soldier
    XM Wolverine Brown Version
    XM X-Men vs Sentinel Diorama

    HX Project Falcon
    HX Project Juggernaut


    Information about the Reservation.

    You can find the information in our FAQs under both links or directly inside the article. There is a tab over the description just with the answers for an Reservation.

    XM Studios - FAQ (German)

    XM Studios - FAQ (English)


    We will update our homepage with new pictures after we receive them from the coming STGCC 2017 next month.

    Have a nice week!

    Best Regards

    XM Studios Facebook

    XM Studios Europe Facebook

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    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Dim 17 Sep 2017, 17:40

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    first weekend after the Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention - STGCC 2017 and today we fulfill our promise to you. There is an big picture update for the Reservation statues on our homepage But not just an update, we added some new statues to the Reservation list. For information and where to order the Reservation we have included a description with links inside the news under the list of statues. If you have a question please write it in the comments. You can also contact us under: Thank you.


    The following statues for Reservation received an picture update or has been new added. You can find them on our homepage under "XM Studios Now - Reservation" or you can also use the links for it.

    XM Studios Now - Reservation (German)

    XM Studios Now - Reservation (English)


    Statues for Reservation:

    XM Bane
    XM Batgirl
    XM Batman on Horse
    XM Catwoman
    XM Dark Phoenix
    XM Darkseid War Diorama
    XM Deathstroke
    XM Dr Octopus
    XM Green Goblin Bust
    XM Hulkbuster (PreOrder at Lucca 2017 only)
    XM Hulk Transformation (PreOrder at Lucca 2017 only)
    XM Joker
    XM Lady Sif
    XM Lizard Bust
    XM Magneto White Version
    XM Moon Knight
    XM Ogre God Bust
    XM Poison Ivy
    XM Power Ranger Red
    XM Quicksilver
    XM Scorpion
    XM She-Thor
    XM Spider-Gwen
    XM Spider-Man
    XM Storm
    XM Thor (Caleb Nefzen)
    XM Weapon X
    XM Winter Soldier
    XM X-Men vs Sentinel Diorama

    HX Project Falcon


    Information about the Reservation.

    You can find the information in our FAQs under both links or directly inside the article. There is a tab over the description just with the answers for an Reservation.

    XM Studios - FAQ (German)

    XM Studios - FAQ (English)


    Next event will be the SHCC 2017 next month at 5th October.

    Have a nice snnday!

    Best Regards

    XM Studios Facebook

    XM Studios Europe Facebook

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Banexzurk


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Mer 20 Sep 2017, 18:02

    XM Studios Europe News

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    today we want to show you some moving pictures from the Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention - STGCC 2017 on our YouTube Channel. We opened for you four new playlists. First we have the videos from StatueForum Awards and Reviews and Kris Bales, he will add more later. Then we have Rebecca Fink with her channel "It´s Sisko" and from Radd Titan Alex Thomas with George William. To the end we have Andrea Battaglia from Battle Review. Thank you all for your time!.


    Click XM Studios Europe YouTube Channel under:

    New Playlist XM Studios STGCC 2017 by StatueForum
    New Playlist XM Studios STGCC 2017 by It´s Sisko
    New Playlist XM Studios STGCC 2017 by Radd Titan
    New Playlist XM Studios STGCC 2017 by Battle Review


    Many hours to watch and we wish you fun!

    Have a nice week!

    Best Regards

    XM Studios Facebook

    XM Studios Europe Facebook

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Stgcceujlsd2

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Sam 23 Sep 2017, 11:04

    XM Studios Europe News

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    XM Studios always takes care if we get a feedback from the community. After we received some discussions about the pricing for the new Convention Exclusive and Exclusive pieces in europe we talked together. Hours later at the virtuell table XM Studios Premium Collectibles and we are very happy for you guys in europe. We can announce an discount which we want to pass on to our customers. Just to mention we saw the XM Hulkbuster at STGCC 2017 and he was packaged in 2,5 packages. Shipping volume was like 160kg and at least SGD1300 - 1500 shipping cost for privat to europe. This statue blasts everything. Our prices for the XM Hulkbuster and XM Hulk Transformation includes the shipping. Both pieces are the Lucca 2017 - Convention Exclusive, PreOrder just in italy. Thank you for your support!


    XM Hulkbuster 1/4 Statue = 2999,- EUR
    XM Hulk Transformation 1/4 Statue = 2490.- EUR
    XM Dark Phoenix 1/4 Statue = 1400,- EUR
    XM Deathstroke 1/4 Statue = 1250,- EUR
    XM Lizard 1/4 Bust = 479,- EUR
    XM Green Goblin 1/4 Bust = 449,- EUR


    You can find more pictures from each statue on our website under the point "XM Studios Upcoming". Enjoy the pictures!

    Have a nice weekend!

    Best Regards

    XM Studios Facebook

    XM Studios Europe Facebook

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    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Lun 09 Oct 2017, 17:50

    XM Studios Europe News

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    here you can find our current XM Studios Premium Collectibles statues for "PreOrder" and "In Stock" in amazingly detailed 1/4 and 1/6 scale cold-cast porcelain. Each painstakingly handcrafted statue is individually hand-painted with the highest possible quality finish. Statuies like Carnage or Beta Ray Bill for PreOrder followed by Daredevil or Witchblade right here in stock for shipping waiting on our homepage You find a cpmplete list in this news with all links you needed. If you have a question please write it in the comments. You can also contact us under: Thank you.


    Statues for PreOrder:

    XM Black Cat 1/4 Statue
    XM Black Panther 1/4 Statue (Incoming)
    XM Beta Ray Bill 1/4 Statue (Incoming)
    XM Carnage 1/4 Statue
    XM Magdalena 1/4 Statue
    XM Mary Jane 1/4 Statue
    XM Namor 1/4 Statue (Incoming)
    XM Red Skull 1/4 Statue
    XM Thor 1/4 Bust

    Shop Links:

    XM Studios Now - PreOrder (German)

    XM Studios Now - PreOrder (English)


    Statues In Stock:

    XM Daredevil 1/4 Statue
    XM Dr Strange 1/4 Statue
    XM Kingpin 1/4 Statue
    XM Kraven 1/4 Statue
    XM Medusa 1/4 Statue
    XM Sandman 1/4 Statue
    XM She Hulk 1/4 Statue
    XM Witchblade 1/4 Statue
    XM Vulture 1/4 Statue

    HX Black Widow 1/6 Statue
    HX Hawkeye 1/6 Statue
    HX Loki 1/6 Statue
    HX Thor 1/6 Statue

    Shop Links:

    XM Studios Now - In Stock (German)

    XM Studios Now - In Stock (English)


    You can find more information about PreOrder, In Stock and how to buy on our homepage in the FAQs under both links.

    XM Studios - FAQ (German)

    XM Studios - FAQ (English)


    New event will be the Lucca 2017 next month at 1th - 5th November.

    Have a nice week!

    Best Regards

    XM Studios Facebook

    XM Studios Europe Facebook

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    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Dim 15 Oct 2017, 11:18

    XM Studios Europe News

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    depending on factors such as time of receipt of printed pieces from factories and community feedback which may result in rework and planned with Licensors, we announce actual PO dates 2 weeks in advance when we are very sure. This is to avoid changing the PO dates frequently which we understand can be an inconvenience. We still have some way to go before we can present the information collectors want. For now, we've managed to confirm the following new PreOrder dates on our homepage If you have a question please write it in the comments. You can also contact us under: Thank you.  


    New PreOrder dates:

    18 October 2017
    XM Winter Soldier - Marvel 1/4 Statue
    XM Lizard - Marvel 1/4 Bust

    1 November 2017
    XM Moon Knight - Marvel 1/4 Statue
    XM Green Goblin - Marvel 1/4 Bust


    You can find the complete list on our homepage under PreOrder & Shipping Dates.

    XM Studios - PreOrder & Shipping Dates


    Have a nice sunday!

    Best Regards

    XM Studios Facebook

    XM Studios Europe Facebook

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Xmpoa6upw

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Lun 16 Oct 2017, 14:49

    XM Studios News

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Wsbg8pdy

    Dear Collectors and Friends,

    Winter is here! Bucky Barnes aka Winter Soldier is the perfect companion piece to Captain America! The XM quality Winter Soldier comes with switch out weapons so you can display him with multiple killer poses! Retails €890 and Edition Size will be MTO (Made to order), but never above 999! The PreOrder starts on Wednesday 18 Oct at 19 o´clock evening German Time Zone! A news with more information will follow at PreOrder day.

    Have a nice week!


    XM Studios Facebook

    XM Studios Europe Facebook

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    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Mar 17 Oct 2017, 12:59

    XM Studios News

    Dear Collectors and Friends,

    together with the Winter Soldier's PreOrder, we will also be opening the PreOrder on Wednesday 18th Oct at 19 o´clock evening German Time Zone for the massive Lizard Bust! Retailing at €479, this scaly behemoth is set at an extremely low Edition Size of 200. He is 4th in the line of XM's unique 1/4 scale busts, these pieces are perfect for space conscious collectors who prefer a balance of affordability and display space over full scale 1:4 piece. A news with more information will follow at PreOrder day.

    Have a nice week!


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    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Mer 18 Oct 2017, 17:49

    XM Studios Europe News

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    today we are proud to announce two new Pre-Order on our homepage First we have the official Pre-Order for the XM Winter Soldier 1/4 scale statue following by the XM Lizard 1/4 scale bust here with us in europe. Both goes online today at 19:00 o´clock (German Time Zone).


    Winter Soldier, while he had no memory of his past, Barnes still had considerable physical skill. He was indoctrinated to hate the West and was provided with mental implants during sensory deprivation, molding him into the perfect assassin. The Winter Soldier will be retailing at €890 with an MTO edition size. Safe your Pre-Order today.


    Lizard, Connors finally determined a serum taken from the DNA of a reptile. He had successfully regrown the missing limb of a rabbit, and, despite the warnings of his wife, chose to test it on himself. Connors ingested it, and his arm did indeed grow back. Unfortunately, it had one side effect – Lizard! The Lizard will be retailing at €479 with an edition size of 200. Safe your Pre-Order today.


    XM Winter Soldier PO today at 19:00 (German Time Zone)
    XM Lizard Bust PO today at 19:00 (German Time Zone)


    XM Winter Soldier : Pre-Order - German
    XM Winter Soldier : Pre-Order - English


    XM Lizard Bust : Pre-Order - German
    XM Lizard Bust : Pre-Order - English


    You’ll receive an email with all further information after you secured one of the XM Winter Soldier or XM Lizard Bust Pre-Order.

    Have a nice week!


    XM Studios Facebook

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    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Jeu 19 Oct 2017, 17:24

    XM Studios Europe News

    Dear Collectors and Friends,

    regarding the situation with The Collectibles Store.


    We would like, under all circumstances, the collectors themselves not affected by this dispute. All customers who have ordered or recently ordered characters such as XM Iron Man Classic, XM Black Cat, XM Electro, XM Iron Fist, XM Shibumi, XM Swordsman XM, Mary Jane, XM Beta Ray Bill or XM Kingpin please contact GHeroes directly at within the next days.

    We will refund the amounts to The Collectibles Store as soon as The Collectibles Store reimburses you for the statues. Therefore, please request your funds from The Collectibles Store in full, submit the receipts to GHereos, and then transfer the full sum for the statues calculated by The Collectibles Store, so that GHeroes can then send you your statues.


    We definitely do not want this to be done on the back of the customers. Your statues are waiting for you.

    We wish you all a nice week!

    Best Regards

    XM Studios Facebook

    XM Studios Europe Facebook

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Lun 30 Oct 2017, 12:20

    XM Studios Europe News

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Mkxmmkuus

    Dear Collectors and Friends,

    up for PreOrder this Wednesday, 1st Nov, 19:00 o´clock evening (German Time Zone) is the incredibly detailed Moon Knight by Caleb Nefzen! Let the photos speak for themselves. Retailing at €990 and edition size currently MTO (Made to order), this is a must for fans of Moon Knight or collectors who appreciate amazing details and sculpt quality. A news with more information will follow at PreOrder day.

    Have a nice week!


    XM Studios Facebook

    XM Studios Europe Facebook

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    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Mer 01 Nov 2017, 17:02

    XM Studios Europe News

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    today we are proud to announce the official Pre-Order for the XM Moon Knight 1/4 scale statue here with us in europe on our homepage The old member of the Avengers goes online today at 19:00 o´clock (German Time Zone). Moon Knight, Marc Spector, Steven Grant and Jake Lockley: four different aspects of the same man who was resurrected by Khonshu, the Egyptian Lunar-God of Vengeance and Justice to serve as his "avatar". Those unjust mortals who prey upon the innocents who travel at night, with powers that come from the moon, beware the Vengeance of the Moon Knight! Moon Knight will be retailing at €990 with an MTO edition size. Safe your Pre-Order today.


    Pre-Order XM Moon Knight today at 19:00 (German Time Zone)

    XM Moon Knight : Pre-Order - German
    XM Moon Knight : Pre-Order - English


    You’ll receive an email with all further information after you secured one of the XM Moon Knight Pre-Order.

    Have a nice week!


    XM Studios Facebook

    XM Studios Europe Facebook

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    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Lun 13 Nov 2017, 19:14

    XM Studios Europe News

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Xmsg9zu20

    Dear Collectors and Friends,

    as Green Goblin Bust still needs some reworking, this Wednesday, 15th Nov. 19:00 o´clock evening (German Time Zone) the new PreOrder will be the young and daring Spider-Gwen! Retailing at €900 and MTO Edition size (Made to order). XM's take on Spider-Gwen is of her fun, cool and music loving side atop an Oscorp Tower! Comes with 3 portraits for various moods and expressions, this statue should help brighten up the display room! Upcoming POs list after Spider-Gwen is expected to be updated by this week as well so stay tuned! A news with more information will follow at PreOrder day.

    Have a nice week!


    XM Studios Facebook

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    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe ! - Page 5 Empty Re: XM Studios : Officiellement distribué en Europe !

    Message  GrumpyBear Mer 15 Nov 2017, 17:01

    XM Studios Europe News

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    today we are proud to announce the official Pre-Order for the XM Spider-Gwen 1/4 scale statue here with us in europe on our homepage The fun and cool alternate universe version of Gwen Stacy goes online today at 19:00 o´clock (German Time Zone). Spider-Gwen is a variant of Spider-Man and an alternate-universe version of Gwen Stacy. She resides in what Marvel dubs Earth-65, where Gwen Stacy is bitten by a radioactive spider and becomes a superheroine instead of Peter Parker becoming Spider-Man. Spider-Gwen will be retailing at €900 with an MTO edition size. Safe your Pre-Order today.


    Pre-Order XM Spider-Gwen today at 19:00 (German Time Zone)

    XM Spider-Gwen : Pre-Order - German
    XM Spider-Gwen : Pre-Order - English


    You’ll receive an email with all further information after you secured one of the XM Spider-Gwen Pre-Order.

    Have a nice week!


    XM Studios Facebook

    XM Studios Europe Facebook

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    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

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    Message  GrumpyBear Jeu 07 Déc 2017, 17:00

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    we promised to have always the newest pictures and after more events there is again an picture update for the Reservation statues on our homepage Pictures are used from Kris Bales at STGCC 2017, and Bryan Tan from Lucca Comics & Games 2017, thank you. For information and where to order the Reservation you can find links inside the news. If you have a question please write it in the comments. You can also contact us under: Thank you.


    The following statues are open for Reservation. You can find them on our homepage under "XM Studios Now - Reservation" or you can also use the links for it.

    XM Studios Now - Reservation (English)

    XM Studios Now - Reservierung (German)


    Picture Update - Statues for Reservation:

    XM Bane
    XM Batgirl
    XM Catwoman
    XM Dark Phoenix
    XM Dr Octopus
    XM Green Goblin Bust
    XM Lady Sif
    XM Magneto White Version
    XM Ogre God Bust
    XM Poison Ivy
    XM Power Ranger Red
    XM Predator
    XM Quicksilver
    XM She-Thor
    XM Spider-Man
    XM Storm
    XM Weapon X


    Information about the Reservation.

    You can find the information in our FAQs under both links or directly inside the article. There is a tab over the description just with the answers for an Reservation.

    XM Studios - FAQ (English)

    XM Studios - FAQ (German)


    Have a nice weekend!

    Best Regards

    XM Studios Facebook

    XM Studios Europe Facebook

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      La date/heure actuelle est Mer 09 Oct 2024, 14:16