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    XM Studios : Europe Easter Special - 2019


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4029
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Europe Easter Special - 2019 Empty XM Studios : Europe Easter Special - 2019

    Message  GrumpyBear Mer 10 Avr 2019, 18:01

    GHeroes Europe - Easter Special 2019

    XM Studios : Europe Easter Special - 2019 FBEastern2019

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    It´s spring time again and today we like to announce our Easter Special 2019. From 10th April to 22th April every order from a statue “In Stock” in our online store at includes the shipping cost. Also you get an 2% discount on the retail price if you pay with Bank Transfer. You can find our current XM Studios statues “In Stock” in our shop under “XM Studios Now”. They are waiting for you in amazingly detailed 1/4 scale cold-cast porcelain. Each painstakingly handcrafted statue is individually hand-painted with the highest possible quality finish. Safe your Order!


    GHeroes Europe Shop - Links

    XM Studios Now : In Stock (English)
    XM Studios Now : Auf Lager (German)


    GHeroes Shop : FAQ (English)
    GHeroes Shop : FAQ (German)


    New event for our european XM Studios collectors is the Fantasy Basel : The Swiss Comic Con 2019 from May 3rd to 5th. You are welcome

    Have a nice week!

    Best Regards

    XM Studios Premium Collectibles Facebook

    GHeroes European Master Distributor Facebook

    XM Studios : Europe Easter Special - 2019 WeaponX

    XM Studios : Europe Easter Special - 2019 Carnage1

    XM Studios : Europe Easter Special - 2019 WinterSoldier

    XM Studios : Europe Easter Special - 2019 RedSkull

    XM Studios : Europe Easter Special - 2019 BetaRayBill

    XM Studios : Europe Easter Special - 2019 Shibumi

    … more at the shop!

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil 2024, 07:29