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    XM Studios: Europe Easter Special - 2018


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4029
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Europe Easter Special - 2018 Empty XM Studios: Europe Easter Special - 2018

    Message  GrumpyBear Mar 20 Mar 2018, 10:35

    XM Studios Europe News

    XM Studios: Europe Easter Special - 2018 Fbeasternnws8j

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    Spring is in the air and today we like to announce our Easter Special at GHeroes to you. From the 20th March to the 2nd April every order from a statue "In Stock" includes the shipping cost. Ready for you in europe at are pieces like XM Carnage 1/4 statue the psychopathic killer, XM Red Skull 1/4 statue the diabolical mastermind or XM Black Cat 1/4 statue the sexy feline master thief. Thank you. You can find our current XM Studios Premium Collectibles statues "In Stock" in our shop under "XM Studios Now". They are waiting for you in amazingly detailed 1/4 and 1/6 scale cold-cast porcelain. Each painstakingly handcrafted statue is individually hand-painted with the highest possible quality finish.


    In Stock under XM Studios Now with free shipping:

    XM Winter Soldier 1/4 Statue
    XM Carnage 1/4 Statue
    XM Magdalena 1/4 Statue
    XM Red Skull1/4 Statue
    XM Black Cat 1/4 Statue
    XM Beta Ray Bill 1/4 Statue
    XM Iron Fist 1/4 Statue
    XM Spider-Man & Mary Jane 1/4 Statue
    XM Kingpin 1/4 Statue
    XM Namor 1/4 Statue
    XM Shibumi 1/4 Statue
    XM Electro 1/4 Statue
    XM Ultimate Swordsman 1/4 Statue
    XM Sandman 1/4 Statue
    XM Mysterio 1/4 Statue
    XM Kraven 1/4 Statue
    XM Medusa 1/4 Statue
    XM Dr Strange 1/4 Statue
    XM She Hulk 1/4 Statue

    XM Ogre God 1/4 Bust
    XM Thor 1/4 Bust
    XM Rhino 1/4 Bust

    HX Hawkeye 1/6 Statue
    HX Black Widow 1/6 Statue
    HX Thor 1/6 Statue
    HX Loki 1/6 Statue


    XM Studios Shop - Links.

    XM Studios Now - In Stock (English)

    XM Studios Now - Auf Lager (German)


    You can find more information about PreOrder, In Stock and how to buy on our homepage in the FAQs under both links.

    XM Studios Shop - FAQ (English)

    XM Studios Shop - FAQ (German)


    New event for XM Studios Premium Collectibles starts with the TAGCC 2018 from 7th - 8th April.

    Have a nice week!

    Best Regards

    XM Studios Facebook

    XM Studios Europe Facebook

    XM Studios: Europe Easter Special - 2018 2carnagetxst7

    XM Studios: Europe Easter Special - 2018 7ironfistjcsyb

    XM Studios: Europe Easter Special - 2018 1wintersoldierdasgo

    XM Studios: Europe Easter Special - 2018 5blackcatkyso1

    XM Studios: Europe Easter Special - 2018 13electroavsbe

    XM Studios: Europe Easter Special - 2018 3magdalenaevsm5

    XM Studios: Europe Easter Special - 2018 11shibumibcs1i

    XM Studios: Europe Easter Special - 2018 6betaraybilllvsow

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil 2024, 07:41