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39.99 € 69.99 €
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3 participants

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue Empty Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Jeu 12 Nov 2020, 12:22

    XM Studios News

    "It isn't the morality of the mission that frightens me.. it is my elation at the opportunity to repay these devils."

    "Artists Involved: Studio HIVE, Foo Tze Wei. Sculpt: Steve Jubinville, Philip Herman and the XM Design and Development Team"

    XM Studios Premium Collectibles Facebook

    GHeroes European Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue 124417828_27513424884vykrh


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Dim 15 Nov 2020, 12:58

    Picture vy Ang Seng

    XM Studios Premium Collectibles Facebook

    GHeroes European Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue 125561473_115017512202ek6l

    Rédacteur / Editor
    Rédacteur / Editor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 6581
    Age : 57
    Localisation : Cimmerie
    Date d'inscription : 11/02/2009

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue

    Message  BBLACKWOLF Lun 16 Nov 2020, 06:25

    Pas trop fan de la pose

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue Pbucket

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Ven 23 Avr 2021, 12:44

    XM Studios News

    “I also know there are monsters in this world. I may even be one of them. But I choose to stand between the world and those who threaten it”.

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue 177326468_28707276664hvjgp


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Sam 24 Avr 2021, 13:14

    GHeroes Europe News

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue Psylockebanneropenirj5z

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    today we announce the official Pre-Order for the XM Psylocke 1/4 scale statue here with us in europe. She also know there are monsters in this world. She may even be one of them. But she choose to stand between the world and those who threaten it.


    Pre-Order Start: Open
    Retail Price: 1089,- EUR
    Full Payment Price: 1056,- EUR
    Deposit: 250,- EUR
    Edition Size: MTO (799)
    EB Metal Plaque: PO before 08.05.2021


    PreOrder XM Psylocke:

    XM Psylocke : Pre-Order - English
    XM Psylocke : Pre-Order - German


    Features Psylocke:

    ● 2 Headsculpt switch-outs: 1 featuring a classic look, 1 spotting a fiercer sleeked back hairstyle.
    ● Butterfly shaped energy effect can be detached and attached onto the classic look headsculpt.
    ● ES: MTO (Max 799)


    Psylocke has an limited edition size of MTO (Max 799), so don’t miss the chance to own her! Telepathic and telekinetic ninja mutant in mid-fight, her psi-blade pulsing and ready for action! When putting her psionic powers to use, she often wields “psychic knives” or other psychic blades to disarm her opponents. In addition to her mastery of hand-to-hand combat, she is a skilled stealth fighter and can even stage telepathic attacks from afar. Safe your Pre-Order.


    GHeroes Shop : FAQ (English)
    GHeroes Shop : FAQ (German)


    You’ll receive an email with all further information after you secured one of the XM Psylocke 1/4 Pre-Order.

    Have a nice weekend!


    XM Studios Premium Collectibles Facebook

    GHeroes European Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue 0rzksa

    26 Pictures:

    Marvel Wars
    Marvel Wars
    Complétiste collector
    Complétiste collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 2593
    Age : 32
    Localisation : Dans mon monde
    Date d'inscription : 07/02/2014

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue

    Message  Marvel Wars Dim 25 Avr 2021, 11:47

    Visage pas assez asiatique mais sinon elle est superbe !

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Dim 25 Avr 2021, 12:18

    XM Studios News

    "XM Studios is excited to present our next 1:4 MARVEL X-Men Premium Collectibles series statue, Psylocke! I also know there are monsters in this world. I may even be one of them. But I choose to stand between the world and those who threaten it. This beloved character is immortalized in amazingly detailed 1:4 scale cold-cast porcelain. Each painstakingly handcrafted statue is individually hand-painted with the high quality finish.

    Psylocke poses a range of psionic and psychic abilities. Telepathic and telekinetic ninja mutant in mid-fight, her psi-blade pulsing and ready for action! When putting her psionic powers to use, she often wields “psychic knives” or other psychic blades to disarm her opponents. In addition to her mastery of hand-to-hand combat, she is a skilled stealth fighter and can even stage telepathic attacks from afar."

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue 0aztk32


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Sam 14 Aoû 2021, 12:08

    Prototype pictures by Art Chaywan

    "I photographed her in the natural light setting so you can see the true color and all the details.", Art Chayawan.

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue 1wpk9s

    14 Pictures:


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Mer 24 Nov 2021, 14:06

    XM Studios News

    - Official XM Studios Psylocke 1/4 Scale Statue Assembly Video -

    “Psylocke poses a range of psionic and psychic abilities. Telepathic and telekinetic ninja mutant in mid-fight, her psi-blade pulsing and ready for action! When putting her psionic powers to use, she often wields “psychic knives” or other psychic blades to disarm her opponents. In addition to her mastery of hand-to-hand combat, she is a skilled stealth fighter and can even stage telepathic attacks from afar.”

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Jeu 30 Déc 2021, 11:06

    XM Studios News

    "Psylocke poses a range of psionic and psychic abilities. Telepathic and telekinetic ninja mutant in mid-fight, her psi-blade pulsing and ready for action! When putting her psionic powers to use, she often wields “psychic knives” or other psychic blades to disarm her opponents. In addition to her mastery of hand-to-hand combat, she is a skilled stealth fighter and can even stage telepathic attacks from afar."

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue 270112829_30500137385ipjwa

    Contenu sponsorisé

    Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Psylocke 1/4 Statue

    Message  Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 01 Déc 2024, 22:19