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2 participants

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Ven 07 Mai 2021, 20:11

    Picture by Ang Seng

    "At last he is been printED.... "Look upon the future, AND TREMBLE! "......stay tune to more....", Ang Seng.

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 181921379_28553303313ehj7p

    Rédacteur / Editor
    Rédacteur / Editor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 6581
    Age : 57
    Localisation : Cimmerie
    Date d'inscription : 11/02/2009

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  BBLACKWOLF Dim 09 Mai 2021, 15:31

    Celui là, sa va être un gros morceau frote

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Pbucket

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Sam 19 Juin 2021, 09:54

    Pictures by Ang Seng

    "Painting this big guy... A for apple", Ang Seng.

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Pjjdwesrejhg

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 193774567_28862392182fpklq

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 197692309_288623925158ojom

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 198038328_28862392915uckyq


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Jeu 23 Sep 2021, 12:20

    XM Studios News

    "Coming soon from XM Studios the XM Apocalypse 1/4 scale statue! He is one of the world's first mutants!"

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Pfnlqx8actjog

    Rédacteur / Editor
    Rédacteur / Editor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 6581
    Age : 57
    Localisation : Cimmerie
    Date d'inscription : 11/02/2009

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  BBLACKWOLF Jeu 23 Sep 2021, 13:16

    Il s’annonce monstrueux affraid

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Pbucket

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Lun 27 Sep 2021, 12:25

    XM Studios News

    -- Coming Soon Facebook Video XM Studios Apocalypse 1/4 Statue --

    "We are excited to present our next 1:4 Marvel Comics Premium Collectibles – Apocalypse! Prepare for the full reveal coming soon! Apocalypse pre-order starts on 29th September, at 6p.m (SGT)!"

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 01_po-coming-soon_26zjii


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Mar 28 Sep 2021, 12:11

    XM Studios News

    - NEW Facebook Video XM Studios Apocalypse 1/4 Statue -

    "REVEAL: Presenting our next 1:4 MARVEL Premium Collectibles series statue, Apocalypse, the second release of our X-Force line! Apocalypse Pre-Order starts on 29th September, at 6p.m (SGT)!

    One of X-Men’s greatest threats and antagonist, Apocalypse is depicted here in all his powerful glory. With his powers to manipulate the molecular structures of his body, his left arm houses a big canon ready at his disposal, with switch-outs offering a mechanical pincer weapon and clenched fist. His right arm is fashioned into a chainsaw and gun, collectors are able to switch to a bare hand or his mechanical arrowed appendages lethal and ready to strike at a single thought.

    - 2 Headsculpt switch-outs: 1 enraged, 1 determined
    - 3 Right arm switch-outs: 1 with chainsaw and gun, 1 with mechanical arrowed appendages, 1 of his bare right hand
    - 3 Left arm switch-ours: 1 with a canon, 1 with a pincer-like weapon, 1 of clenched fist.
    - Crafted in cold cast porcelain.
    - Each handcrafted statue is individually hand-painted with the high-quality finish.

    - 2d Rafa Sandoval
    - 3D Suheryanto Hatmaja
    - XM Studios Design and Development Team."

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Mar 28 Sep 2021, 14:21

    XM Studios News

    - Apocalypse will be ready for Pre-Order on Wednesday, 29th September 2021! -

    "XM Studios is excited to present our next 1:4 MARVEL Premium Collectibles series statue, Apocalypse, the second release of our X-Force line! One of X-Men’s greatest threats and antagonist, Apocalypse is depicted here in all his powerful glory. With his powers to manipulate the molecular structures of his body, his left arm houses a big canon ready at his disposal, with switch-outs offering a mechanical pincer weapon and clenched fist. His right arm is fashioned into a chainsaw and gun, collectors are able to switch to a bare hand or his mechanical arrowed appendages lethal and ready to strike at a single thought. This beloved character is immortalized in amazingly detailed 1:4 scale cold-cast porcelain. Each painstakingly handcrafted statue is individually hand-painted with the high quality finish.

    Left abandoned, starved to death as a baby in the harsh, unforgiving desert of ancient Egypt, ruled by Rama-Tut, a band of nomadic raiders found an infant, gray-skinned and freakish in appearance, abandoned by the settlers of Akkaba. The nomads took the child for their own, giving him the name En Sabah Nur, “The First One,” and teaching him to be "strong" in order to survive the desert as a child. This idea, that "the strong will survive," would shape Apocalypse's actions throughout time.

    In this Premium Collectible the level of detail on Apocalypse Is unparalleled. The designed details and paint app on the modern yet strangely ancient armour that clad apocalypse, shows the transcending history that this ancient mutant has experienced. His grey skin, textured realistically, his metallic blue lips and red eyes, strong and expressive. The weapons are highly detailed, the base reveals elements from his temple. Which other X-Men statue collectible has a similar base I wonder? Are they perhaps in facing off each other in battle? An essential centerpiece of our X-Force Series and for all X-Men collectors, Apocalypse is THE statue collectible for all Marvel and X-Men fans!"

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 1d6kcx

    39 Pictures:


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Mer 29 Sep 2021, 12:04

    GHeroes Europe News

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Bannerapocalypseopeng3j39

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    today we announce the official Pre-Order for the XM Apocalypse 1/4 scale statue here with us in europe. Apocalypse is the second release of our X-Force line! One of X-Men’s greatest threats and antagonist, Apocalypse is depicted here in all his powerful glory. With his powers to manipulate the molecular structures of his body!


    Pre-Order: Open
    Retail Price: 1950,- EUR
    Full Payment Price: 1891- EUR
    Deposit: 250,- EUR
    Edition Size: MTO (999)
    EB Metal Plaque: PO before 13.10.2021


    PreOrder Apocalypse:

    Apocalypse : Pre-Order - English
    Apocalypse : Pre-Order - German


    Features Apocalypse:

    ● 2 Headsculpt switch-outs: 1 enraged, 1 determined.
    ● 3 Right arm switch-outs: 1 with chainsaw and gun, 1 with mechanical arrowed appendages, 1 of his bare right hand.
    ● 3 Left arm switch-ours: 1 with a canon, 1 with a pincer-like weapon, 1 of clenched fist.
    ● Limited Edition: MTO (599)


    Apocalypse has an limited edition size of MTO (Max 999), so don’t miss the chance to own him! A band of nomadic raiders found an infant, gray-skinned and freakish in appearance, abandoned by the settlers of Akkaba. The nomads took the child for their own, giving him the name En Sabah Nur, “The First One,” and teaching him to be "strong" in order to survive the desert as a child. This idea, that "the strong will survive," would shape Apocalypse's actions throughout time. Safe your Pre-Order.


    GHeroes Shop : FAQ (English)
    GHeroes Shop : FAQ (German)


    You’ll receive an email with all further information after you secured one of the XM Apocalypse 1/4 statue Pre-Order.

    Have a nice week!


    XM Studios Premium Collectibles Facebook

    GHeroes European Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 3keju9

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 174ukk3

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 14qjj61

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 21ajjya

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 23ykj67

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 289njcg

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 33lwkng

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 165sjt2

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 40ekjbh


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Mer 29 Sep 2021, 15:53

    Pictures by Ang Seng

    "I'm sure end year you will be able to celebrate xmas with this big guy....", Ang Seng.

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 1drjkr

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 2utkvi

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 3kmk73

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 4zijv0

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 5vbkv0


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Jeu 30 Sep 2021, 11:31

    Pictures by Ang Seng

    "For those concern on the shelves is the dimensions on three switchout options... happy collecting...", Ang Seng.

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 243011674_2961979964066jf4

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 243762014_296198000734tk1e

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 243356764_29619800440nikjt


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Jeu 30 Déc 2021, 11:11

    XM Studios News

    "Left abandoned, starved to death as a baby in the harsh, unforgiving desert of ancient Egypt, ruled by Rama-Tut, a band of nomadic raiders found an infant, gray-skinned and freakish in appearance, abandoned by the settlers of Akkaba. The nomads took the child for their own, giving him the name En Sabah Nur, “The First One,” and teaching him to be "strong" in order to survive the desert as a child. This idea, that "the strong will survive," would shape Apocalypse's actions throughout time."

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 270364564_30500137252ywkru


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Jeu 30 Déc 2021, 13:02

    XM Studios News

    - Official XM Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Assembly Video -

    “Left abandoned, starved to death as a baby in the harsh, unforgiving desert of ancient Egypt, ruled by Rama-Tut, a band of nomadic raiders found an infant, gray-skinned and freakish in appearance, abandoned by the settlers of Akkaba. The nomads took the child for their own, giving him the name En Sabah Nur, “The First One,” and teaching him to be "strong" in order to survive the desert as a child. This idea, that "the strong will survive," would shape Apocalypse's actions throughout time."

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Dim 13 Fév 2022, 07:50

    Review by DT Tube at DT`s GEEK SHOW

    - Video Review XM Studios Apocalypse 1/4 Scale Statue -

    "Left abandoned, starved to death as a baby in the harsh, unforgiving desert of ancient Egypt, ruled by Rama-Tut, a band of nomadic raiders found an infant, gray-skinned and freakish in appearance, abandoned by the settlers of Akkaba. The nomads took the child for their own, giving him the name En Sabah Nur, “The First One,” and teaching him to be "strong" in order to survive the desert as a child. This idea, that "the strong will survive," would shape Apocalypse's actions throughout time."

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Dim 13 Fév 2022, 08:35

    Pictures by DT Tube

    "This guy is a little bit of everything I love about XM statues!", DT Tube.

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 273874923_4771554273160jmz

    29 Pictures:


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Jeu 17 Fév 2022, 12:43

    Pictures by Barbara Jara Lopez

    - XM Studios Apocalypse 1/4 Scale Statue -

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 06xjmi

    29 Pictures:


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Jeu 23 Juin 2022, 19:44

    Review by Stephen Small at Gem Mint Collectibles

    - Prototype XM Studios Apocalypse 1/4 Scale Statue -

    "Left abandoned, starved to death as a baby in the harsh, unforgiving desert of ancient Egypt, ruled by Rama-Tut, a band of nomadic raiders found an infant, gray-skinned and freakish in appearance, abandoned by the settlers of Akkaba. The nomads took the child for their own, giving him the name En Sabah Nur, “The First One,” and teaching him to be "strong" in order to survive the desert as a child. This idea, that "the strong will survive," would shape Apocalypse's actions throughout time."

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Jeu 23 Juin 2022, 20:21

    Pictures by Stephen Small at Gem Mint Collectibles

    - Prototype XM Studios Apocalypse 1/4 Scale Statue -

    "Left abandoned, starved to death as a baby in the harsh, unforgiving desert of ancient Egypt, ruled by Rama-Tut, a band of nomadic raiders found an infant, gray-skinned and freakish in appearance, abandoned by the settlers of Akkaba. The nomads took the child for their own, giving him the name En Sabah Nur, “The First One,” and teaching him to be "strong" in order to survive the desert as a child. This idea, that "the strong will survive," would shape Apocalypse's actions throughout time."

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 1w6jly

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 2lxk36

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 36dkbu

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 4vpj8h

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 5lpjau

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 6dskff

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 7abjfn

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 8k0j2u

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 9r9kfb

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 102bkt9


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Lun 05 Aoû 2024, 12:37

    XM Studios News

    Picture from the XM Studios Apocalypse 1/4 Statue by Statue Boss Productions (Bmutha).

    "Left abandoned, starved to death as a baby in the harsh, unforgiving desert of ancient Egypt, ruled by Rama-Tut, a band of nomadic raiders found an infant, gray-skinned and freakish in appearance, abandoned by the settlers of Akkaba. The nomads took the child for their own, giving him the name En Sabah Nur, “The First One,” and teaching him to be "strong" in order to survive the desert as a child. This idea, that "the strong will survive," would shape Apocalypse's actions throughout time."

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue 454239690-822892803283395-4748088370537428585-n

    Contenu sponsorisé

    Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Apocalypse 1/4 Statue

    Message  Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 01 Déc 2024, 22:18