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    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 18091
    Age : 53
    Localisation : somewhere in space and time
    Date d'inscription : 01/02/2009


    Message  frankythegoon Mer 07 Oct 2009, 11:59

    Pour répondre aux interrogations vis-à-vis des comics CGC, je reproduis ici un article qu'avait écrit un ami collectionneur il y a quelques années.

    La cotation des Comics US

    Qu'est-ce que le "CGC" ?
    CGC (Comics Guaranty Company,LLC) est un organisme indépendant dont l'activité consiste à évaluer et à noter l'état des comics-books.

    Ce qui fait principalement la valeur d'un comic-book, et d'un comic-book âgé de préférence, c'est son état de conservation.
    Pour vous expliquer cet axiome, il est bon de revenir un petit peu en arrière dans l'histoire :

    Vendus entre 10 et 12 cents dans les années 50/60, les comics-books étaient imprimés sur du papier de très mauvaise qualité (car moins chère), et le processus même de fabrication n'était pas exempt de problèmes.... (problèmes de decoupages, etc). De plus ils étaient assez mal distribués, les kiosques et les drogueries préférant sans doute vendre des magazines à valeur faciale plus importante plutôt que des fascicules à 12 cents. Exposés sans grand soin dans les boutiques et manipulés généralement par des adolescents, les comics-books terminaient leur vie généralement dans un grenier humide, quand ce n'était pas dans une poubelle ! !

    Tout cela explique que le nombre d'exemplaires survivant en très bon état est rare. Et ce qui est rare est par définition ... cher !!! et oui !!!
    Personne n'envisageait à l'époque que ces illustrés pouvaient valoir un jour quelque chose.

    Bon, c'est vrai, ce n'est pas tout à fait exact. Un superbe exemplaire d'une obscure et éphémère série vaudra toujours "peanuts" par rapport à un exemplaire en mauvais état, mais d'une série extrèmement recherchée.

    "GRADUER" une BD américaine ...

    Cela peut paraître à première vue simple, mais c'est en fait une science tres subjective, dont les critères d'appréciation diffèrent selon telle ou telle personne.
    Pour y mettre un peu d'ordre, CGC, dont le standard de graduation est maintenant largement reconnu, se charge de l'évaluation de l'état et de mettre une note sur chaque comics qu'on lui soumet.

    L'évaluation de l'état

    En voici l'échelle ...
    10.0 Mint
    9.9 Mint
    9.8 NearMint/Mint
    9.6 Near Mint +
    9.4 Near Mint
    9.2 Near Mint -
    9.0 Very Fine/Near Mint
    8.5 Very Fine +
    8.0 Very Fine
    7.5 Very Fine -
    7.0 Fine/Very Fine
    6.5 Fine +
    6.0 Fine
    5.5 Fine -
    5.0 Very Good/Fine
    4.5 Very Good
    4.0 Very Goog
    3.5 Very Good -
    3.0 Good/Very good
    2.5 Good +
    2.0 Good
    1.8 Good -
    1.5 Fair/Good
    1.0 Fair
    0.5 Poor

    Les périodes
    Ils existe 4 périodes concernant les comics:
    Golden Age (1938 à 1955)
    Silver Age ( 1956 à 1969)
    Bronze Age (1970 à 1979)
    Modern Age (1980 à aujourd'hui).


    Chaque comic a une petite étiquette de couleur sur le haut du boitier plastique, en voici la signification.

    Il y a encore quelques temps, les différentes périodes étaient prises en compte dans l'attribution de la couleur de l'étiquette :
    - Bleu représentait les comics antérieurs à 1975.
    - Rouge pour le Modern Age.

    Ce n'est plus le cas actuellement.
    - Le Bleu représente les comics toutes périodes, non restaurés et sans gros defaut.
    - Le Vert représente un comic avec un défaut majeur (ex: une page manquante).
    - Le Violet est attribué aux comics restaurés.
    - Le Jaune, comic avec une signature sur la couverture (du dessinateur...).

    Sur l'étiquette sont aussi marqués la date d'édition, un éventuel fait marquant se déroulant dans le comic-book (ex décès de tel personnage), le nom du ou des dessinateurs.

    Enfin chaque comic se voit affublé d'un code barre unique.

    Le conditionnement

    Le comic book est dans un premier temps mis dans une protection plastique, aprés avoir préalablement placé à l'interieur du livre une sorte de papier qui a la capacité d'attirer et d'isoler les polluants de l'air qui participent au jaunissement des pages (ils sont placés sur la première et aprés la dernière page).

    Le tout est placé dans un boitier plastique dur, qui est ensuite scellé.

    La restauration

    Chaque comic soumis, fait l'objet d'une recherche concernant la restauration:

    La restauration est un procédé d'amélioration d'un comic-book afin de lui donner une meilleur apparence.
    Par exemple, on peut rendre les coins carrés en recoupant chaque bord du livre (TRIMMED PAGE).
    On peut encore cacher des chocs,usures ou pliures sur la couverture en retouchant avec une coloration.
    Certaines restaurations sont très simples à déceler, ... d'autres, beaucoup plus complexes.

    Pour le vendeur, le prix de vente d'un comic-book CGC, réussi à atteindre des sommets (surtout si la graduation est trés élevée).
    Sur certains exemplaires clefs, le prix peut être multiplié par 2 voir par 10,et même quelques fois par 20 sur certains titres.
    Pour l'acheteur, il sait exactement ce qu'il achète.
    Fini les mauvaises suprises !!!

    Les "Graders" sont très stricts sur la notation et l'évaluation.
    Les personnes soumettant leur comics risquent souvent d'être deçus de la note que celui-ci va recevoir.

    De plus, les services de CGC ne sont pas gratuits, et ils sont même très chers :
    25$ pour un comic-book dont la valeur supposée à la revente ne dépasse pas 250$.
    C'est le prix de départ.

    Il existe aussi les comics avec Pedigree (ce sont des comics ayant appartenus à de grands collectionneurs qui ont été rachetés pour être revendus aux particuliers: Pacific coast, Boston, Western penn, Curator, Winnipeg, Mile high .....

    Pour conclure:

    L'apparition de CGC, sur le marché actuel des comics aux USA, a bouleversé l'intérêt des fans acheteurs et des spéculateurs (je différencie bien les deux ! !) qui se tournent maintenant plus vers les comics à haute graduation (les prix explosent), délaissant les comics-books en état moyen et en bon état.
    Les acheteurs ne semblent plus intéressés que par l'état neuf.

    D'où mon conseil : Investissez dans les comics-books en état vf(8.0) ou vf+(8.5). Ce sont des comics en très bon état et on peut certaines fois les obtenir à des prix bien plus raisonnables qu'en état NM+(9.6) ou NM/M (9.8 ).

    Quelques liens interessant:

    Graduation CGC

    Mint (MT) (9.9 to 10.0)

    Nearly perfect in every way. Only the subtlest bindery or printing defects are allowed. Cover is flat with no surface wear. Cover inks are bright with high reflectivity and minimal fading. Corners are cut square and sharp. Staples are generally centered, clean with no rust. Cover is generally well centered and firmly secured to interior pages. Paper is supple and fresh. Spine is tight and flat.

    Near Mint/Mint (NM/MT) (9.COMICS CGC Icon_cool

    A comic book that has enough positive qualities to make it better than a Near Mint+ comic book, but has enough detracting qualities to keep it from being a Mint 9.9 comic book. In most cases, the comic book has a better appearance than a copy that has earned a Near Mint+ grade.

    Near Mint (NM) (9.2 to 9.7)

    Nearly perfect with only minor imperfections allowed. A comic book with this grade should have no corner or impact creases, nearly invisible stress marks (if any), and no bindery tears larger than 1/16 of an inch. A couple of very tiny color flecks - or a combination of the above - keeps the comic book from being perfect, making its overall eye appeal less than Mint and dropping it into this grade. Only the most subtle binding and/or printing defects are allowed. Cover is flat with no surface wear. Cover inks are bright with high reflectivity and minimum of fading. Corners are cut square and sharp with ever-so-slight blunting permitted. Staples are generally centered, and are clean with no rust. Cover is centered and firmly secured to interior pages. Paper is supple and like new. Spine is tight and flat.

    Very Fine/Near Mint (VF/NM) (9.0)

    A comic book that has enough positive qualities to make it better than a Very Fine+ comic book, but has enough detracting qualities to keep it from being a Near Mint- comic book. In most cases, the comic book has a better appearance than a copy that has earned a Very Fine+ grade.

    Very Fine (VF) (7.5 to 8.5)

    A comic book graded Very Fine is an excellent copy with outstanding eye appeal. Sharp, bright, and clean with supple pages. Cover is relatively flat with almost no surface wear. Cover inks are generally bright with moderate to high reflectivity. Staples may show some discoloration. Spine may have a couple of almost insignificant transverse stress lines and is almost completely flat. A barely unnoticeable quarter of an inch crease is acceptable, if color is not broken. Pages and covers can be yellowish/tannish (but not brown), although most comic books of this grade have a paper color of off-white to white.

    Fine/Very Fine (FN/VF) (7.0)

    A comic book that has enough positive qualities to make it better than a Fine+ comic book, but has enough detracting qualities to keep it from being a Very Fine- comic book. In most cases, the comic book has a better appearance than a copy that has earned a Fine+ grade.

    Fine (FN) (5.5 to 6.5)

    A comic book in Fine condition is an above-average copy that shows minor wear but is still relatively flat and clean with no significant creasing or other serious defects. Eye appeal is somewhat reduced because of slight surface wear to the comic book. The comic book may have a small defect such as a few slight cross stress marks on its spine, or a very slight spine split (quarter of an inch). A comic book in Fine condition appears to have been read a few times, and has been handled with moderate care. Compared to a Very Fine copy, a Fine-graded comic book's cover inks are beginning to show a significant reduction in reflectivity, but it is still a highly collectible and desirable comic book. Its pages and interior covers may be tan, but they must still be fairly supple with no signs of brittleness.

    Very Good/Fine (VG/FN) (5.0)

    A comic book that has enough positive qualities to make it better than a Very Good+ comic book, but has enough detracting qualities to keep it from being a Fine- comic book. In most cases, the comic book has a better appearance than a copy that has earned a Very Good+ grade.

    Very Good (VG) (3.5 to 4.5)

    The average used comic book. A comic book in this grade shows some wear and can have a reading or center crease, as well as a moderately rolled spine, but has not accumulated enough total defects to reduce eye appeal to the point that it is no longer a desirable copy. Some discoloration, fading, and even minor soiling is allowed. As much as a quarter-inch triangle can be missing out of the corner or edge. A missing square piece (1/8" by 1/8") is also acceptable. Store stamps, name stamps, arrival dates, initials, etc. have no effect on this grade. Cover and interior pages can have some minor tears and folds, and the centerfold may be detached at one staple. The cover may also be loose, but not completely detached. Common bindery and printing defects do not affect the grade. Pages and inside covers may be brown but not brittle. Tape should never be used for comic book repair; however, many Very Good- condition comic books have minor tape repair.

    Good/Very Good (GD/VG) (3.0)

    A comic book that has enough positive qualities to make it better than a Good+ comic book, but has enough detracting qualities to keep it from being a Very Good- comic book. In most cases, the comic book has a better appearance than a copy that has earned a Good+ grade.

    Good (GD) (1.8 to 2.5)

    A comic book in this grade has all pages and covers, although there may be small pieces missing inside; the largest piece allowed from front or back cover is a half-inch triangle or a quarter-inch square. Comic books in this grade are commonly creased, scuffed, abraded, soiled, and may have as much as a two-inch split on the spine, but are still completely readable. Often, the paper quality for a Good-graded comic book is low but not brittle. Cover reflectivity is low, and in some cases, completely absent. This grade can have a moderate accumulation of defects but still maintains its basic structural integrity.

    Fair/Good (FR/GD) (1.5)

    A comic book that has enough positive qualities to make it better than a Fair+ comic book, but has enough detracting qualities to keep it from being a Good- comic book. In most cases, the comic book has a better appearance than a copy that has earned a Fair+ grade.

    Fair (FR) (1.0)

    A comic book in this grade is usually soiled, ragged, and possibly unattractive. Creases, tears and/or folds are prevalent in a comic book of this grade. Spine may be split up to two-thirds of its entire length. Staples may be gone. Up to one-tenth of the front cover may be missing. These comic books are readable, although soiling, staining, tears, markings, or chunks of pages missing may moderately interfere with a collector's ability to read the entire story. Some collectors consider this the lowest collectible grade because comic books in lesser condition are usually defaced and/or brittle. Very often, the paper quality of a Fair-graded comic book is low and may have slight brittleness around the edges but not in the central portions of the pages. Comic books in this grade may have a clipped coupon, so long as it is noted alongside of the nomenclature; i.e.: "Fair (1.0) Coupon Clipped." Valued at 50% to 70% of a Good-graded comic book.

    Poor (PR) (0.5)

    Most comic books in this grade have been sufficiently degraded to the point that copies may have extremely severe stains, missing staples, brittleness, mildew, and/or moderate to heavy cover abrasions to the point that some cover inks are indistinct, if not absent. Comic books in this grade can have small chunks missing and pieces out of pages. They may have been defaced with paints, varnishes, glues, oil, indelible markers or dyes. Covers may be split the entire length of the book, but both halves must be present with only some chunks of it missing. A page or pages may be missing as long as it is noted along side of the nomenclature; i.e.: "Poor (0.5) Second Page Missing." Value depends on extent of defects, but would average about one-third of a Good-graded comic book.

    There is an easy-to-understand label placed on the interior of the holder on certified comic books. The label displays the title, issue #, publisher and grade of a comic book. It can also display the importance (for Key Issues) or the artist (if by an important artist). There are four different colored labels that represent:

    • Universal (blue)

    This label is applied to comic books that are simply the grade as marked, with no qualifiers or special considerations.
    COMICS CGC Ph_bluelabel_sm

    • Signature Series (yellow)

    This label is applied to comic books that have been signed by someone of significance to the comic, under the direct observation of a CGC employee, and are thus certified as an authentic signature by CGC.
    COMICS CGC Ph_yellowlabel_sm

    • Qualified (green)

    A Qualified label is used by CGC for certified books that have a significant defect that needs specific description, or to note an unauthenticated signature (one which was not witnessed by CGC). For example, it would be a disservice to the seller and buyer to call a VF/NM book with a 4-inch back cover tear a VG, so CGC will give this book a Qualified grade of "VF/NM 9.0, back cover 4-inch tear." Or, if the book is signed on the cover it may be noted as "Name Written on Cover."
    COMICS CGC Ph_greenlabel_sm

    • Restored (purple)

    This label is applied to any comic book that has evidence of repair so that it will appear as it did when it was in its original condition. Restoration can come in a variety of degrees, from slight professional restoration (SP) to extensive amateur restoration (EA).
    COMICS CGC Ph_purplelabel_sm

    • SIGNATURE SERIES RESTORED (yellow / purple)

    Applied to a restored comic book that has been signed by someone of significance to the comic, under the direct observation of a CGC employee, and are certified as an authentic signature by CGC. Degree of restoration is also noted on the label.
    COMICS CGC Ph_yellow_purple_label_sm

    • Modern (red)

    An outdated label used originally to distinguish modern comics (these books can be sent in for our New Holder service and receive a blue universal label at the same grade).

    Dernière édition par frankythegoon le Ven 14 Mai 2010, 14:35, édité 2 fois

    Infinity, so beautiful, has turned my soul to ice and crystallised eternity.
    For all my future time she turned the key of endlessness and locked me in a dream.
    COMICS CGC Nebuleuse
    Complétiste collector
    Complétiste collector

    Nombre de messages : 4025
    Age : 52
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009


    Message  Metalbears Mar 11 Mai 2010, 15:41

    merci pour le dossier COMICS CGC Icon_wink
    mais c mieux sans la boite COMICS CGC 75029
    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 48267
    Age : 52
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009


    Message  darthstitch Mar 11 Mai 2010, 16:08

    Metalbears a écrit:merci pour le dossier COMICS CGC Icon_wink
    mais c mieux sans la boite COMICS CGC 75029

    Rien ne vaut la viande fraiche Laughing

    MES VENTES bowen, weta, sideshow, gentle giant, etc...C'EST PAR ICI :

    Contenu sponsorisé


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      La date/heure actuelle est Jeu 02 Mai 2024, 20:45