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LEGO® Icons 10329 Les Plantes Miniatures, Collection Botanique
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    GHeroes Europe - Local Event Stuttgart


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4029
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    GHeroes Europe - Local Event Stuttgart Empty GHeroes Europe - Local Event Stuttgart

    Message  GrumpyBear Mar 30 Jan 2024, 21:42

    GHeroes Europe News

    GHeroes Europe - Local Event Stuttgart LES

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    with the new year we thought of planning a local event in the hometown of GHeroes Europe, here in Stuttgart / Germany. If you're up for a relaxing day with the prototypes of the latest XM Studios statues and conversations among collectors and the hobby, you're welcome.

    We would like to thank Restaurant Theater Friedenau for the opportunity and if you would like to be there, write us an email until February 10th, 2024 at to make your reservation.


    Local Event Details:

    🌟 Event Venue: Restaurant Theater Friedenau, Rotenbergstrasse 127, 70190 Stuttgart / Germany
    📅 Event Date: Saturday,16th March 2024
    🏰 Entry: Free
    ⏰ Opening Hours: 12:00 - 22:00 o´clock
    🔗 Register: For your reservation please contact us until 10th February under


    Statues on display:

    - XM Bane - Classic 1/4 Statue
    - XM Iron Man Suit Up 1/4 Statue
    - XM Killer Croc - Samurai 1/4 Statue
    - XM Symbiote Transformation 1/4 Statue

    If you would like to find out more about the statues on display, visit our shop at


    You are welcome!

    Best Regards

    XM Studios Premium Collectibles Facebook

    GHeroes European Master Distributor Facebook

    GHeroes Europe - Local Event Stuttgart 0

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    GHeroes Europe - Local Event Stuttgart 4


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4029
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    GHeroes Europe - Local Event Stuttgart Empty Re: GHeroes Europe - Local Event Stuttgart

    Message  GrumpyBear Mer 21 Fév 2024, 10:42

    GHeroes Europe News

    GHeroes Europe - Local Event Stuttgart FBBanner-LESNew

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    we have an update on our Local Event in Stuttgart. Thank you very much for the registrations from our collectors, which allows the event to take place. We look forward to seeing each of you and have therefore extended registration until March 10th, 2024. Also we add a new statue to the event with the "Live Unboxing" from the XM I LBS The Incredible Hulk: Premier Edition 1/3 Statue.

    We would like to thank Restaurant Theater Friedenau again for the opportunity and if you would like to be there, write us an email until February 10th, 2024 at to make your reservation.


    Local Event Details:

    - Event Venue: Restaurant Theater Friedenau, Rotenbergstrasse 127, 70190 Stuttgart / Germany
    - Event Date: Saturday,16th March 2024
    - Entry: Free
    - Opening Hours: 12:00 - 22:00 o?clock
    - Register: For your reservation please contact us until 10th February under


    Statues on display:

    - XM Bane - Classic 1/4 Statue
    - XM Iron Man Suit Up 1/4 Statue
    - XM Killer Croc - Samurai 1/4 Statue
    - XM Symbiote Transformation 1/4 Statue
    - XM I LBS The Incredible Hulk: Premier Edition 1/3 Statue (*)

    (*) Live Unboxing

    If you would like to find out more about the statues on display, visit our shop at


    You are welcome!

    Best Regards

    XM Studios Premium Collectibles Facebook

    GHeroes European Master Distributor Facebook

    GHeroes Europe - Local Event Stuttgart 0New

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      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil 2024, 04:00