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    XM Studios : Black Friday 2023


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios : Black Friday 2023 Empty XM Studios : Black Friday 2023

    Message  GrumpyBear Lun 20 Nov 2023, 09:24

    GHeroes Europe News

    XM Studios : Black Friday 2023 Fbbannerblackfriday20zscat

    Dear Collectors and Friends,

    today we start the week from 20th until 27th November for the XM Studios Black Friday with us in europe. With Marvel, DC and Top Cow we have a discount from 10%, 15% to 20%. Maybe you find a piece for you at our Black Friday event under XM Studios Black Friday.


    10% Discount on:
    - XM War Tank (XM 'War Tank' Exclusive) Ver B 1/4 Statue

    15% Discount on:
    - XM Modern Thor 1/4 Statue      
    - XM Vulture 1/4 Statue
    - XM Lady Death 1/4 Statue
    - XM King Pin 1/4 Statue
    - XM Thor Classic 1/4 Statue
    - XM Red Skull 1/4 Statue
    - XM Captain Marvel 1/4 Statue
    - XM Punisher 1/4 Statue
    - XM Deadpool Ver B
    - XM Planet Hulk 1/4 Statue
    - XM Darkness 1/4 Statue
    - XM Magdalena 1/4 Statue
    - XM Flash Reverse Classic 1/4 Statue
    - XM Zatanna 1/4 Statue
    - XM Angelus 1/4 Statue
    - XM Eddie - Iron Maiden 1/4 Statue
    - XM Reverse Flash Classic 1/6 Statue            
    - XM Bizarro - Rebirth 1/6 Statue
    - XM Catwoman Classic 1/6 Statue
    - XM Supergirl 1/6 Statue
    - XM Doomsday 1/6 Statue

    20% Discount on:
    - XM Captain America SoL 1/4 Statue
    - XM X-23 1/4 Statue
    - XM Professor X Hoverchair 1/4 Statue
    - XM Flash Classic 1/6 Statue


    Have a nice start into the new week and thank you for your support!

    Best Regards

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    XM Studios : Black Friday 2023 Fbnewsblackfriday202390ios

      La date/heure actuelle est Mer 09 Oct 2024, 14:18