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    SALVATION AT MOUNT DOOM - Masters Collection


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13718
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    SALVATION AT MOUNT DOOM - Masters Collection Empty SALVATION AT MOUNT DOOM - Masters Collection

    Message  doom Lun 31 Juil 2023, 12:11


    Masters Collection

    SALVATION AT MOUNT DOOM - Masters Collection Tee2HZEMB2JZH2272023731

    SALVATION AT MOUNT DOOM - Masters Collection 2hzemb2jzhh5gym1k44i22720237231004234

    SALVATION AT MOUNT DOOM - Masters Collection 2hzemb2jzhh5gym1k44i22720237231004236

    SALVATION AT MOUNT DOOM - Masters Collection 2hzemb2jzhh5gym1k44i227202372310042310

    SALVATION AT MOUNT DOOM - Masters Collection 2hzemb2jzhh5gym1k44i227202372310042311

    The "MASTERS COLLECTION" product series of the world-renowned TV movie special effects company "WETA Workshop (WETA Workshop)" released the latest product "The Savior at Mount Doom" (temporary translation, SALVATION AT MOUNT DOOM) scene statue from "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy: The Return of the King " ! The pre-order countdown is now starting on WETA's official website, and it is expected to ship in the second quarter of 2024.

    After leaving Shire, after countless fatal crises, "Frodo" and his most loyal partner "Sam" finally arrived at the Doomsday Volcano in Mordor to destroy the Supreme Lord of the Rings, Sauron died, the land of Mordor began to collapse, and the human race An unprecedented victory is about to be won, but the two hobbit heroes who have completed the arduous task can no longer walk, allowing the hot magma to gradually approach. Just at the very moment after the two fainted, Gandalf and the wind king Gwaihir ) to the rescue! Became the savior of the savior of Middle-earth.

    This time, the three-dimensional statue with a height of 101 centimeters fully reproduces the tearful scene in the play. The huge Guan He is about to grab the Hobbit and fly away from here. The richness of the feathers, the sharpness of the beak and claws are all very well portrayed, and the surrounding rocks are used to make the dynamic sense of Guan He's descent more realistic, the dancing sense of Gandalf's white robe on the giant eagle's back, and The state of Frodo and Sam's ragged clothes and exhausted energy is also carefully represented. The magma conveys a high-heat and flowing visual effect under the interaction of exquisite painting and luminous function, which is really an epic masterpiece.

    Suggested selling price: Not announced
    Product size: 119 cm x 101 cm x 53 cm (W x H x L)
    Limited quantity: TBD
    Estimated delivery date: Q2 2024


      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 07 Sep 2024, 15:52