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    XM Studios: New EU License DC Comics 1/4 Scale Statues


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4029
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: New EU License DC Comics 1/4 Scale Statues Empty XM Studios: New EU License DC Comics 1/4 Scale Statues

    Message  GrumpyBear Dim 01 Jan 2023, 12:52

    GHeroes Europe News

    XM Studios: New EU License DC Comics 1/4 Scale Statues 1kscc1

    Dear Collectors and Friends,

    we're excited to kick off 2023 with a huge announcement for our DC collectors in europe. With today we can offer you every DC Comics 1/4 Scale Premium Collectibles Statue here in europe. This new license makes it possible to open existing Pre-Order and offer statues in stock for that moment. Now you can find 27x DC 1/4 Scale Statues for Pre-Order or In Stock at the new shop category "XM 1/4 - DC Comics" or use the links in this news.


    This includes the current XM Studios series.

    ● Batman: White Knight
    ● Classic
    ● Dark Nights: Metal
    ● Dark Nights: Death Metal


    Pre-Order and In Stock.

    Shop DC Comics 1/4 Scale : In Stock - English

    Shop DC Comics 1/4 Scale : Auf Lager - German

    Note: In Stock statues will be at our warehouse start of april.


    You’ll receive an email with all further information after you secured one of the XM Studios DC Comics 1/4 Scale Statues.

    Happy Collecting 2023!

    Best Regards

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    XM Studios: New EU License DC Comics 1/4 Scale Statues 0czdqu

    XM Studios: New EU License DC Comics 1/4 Scale Statues 13ac7j

    XM Studios: New EU License DC Comics 1/4 Scale Statues 25miol

    XM Studios: New EU License DC Comics 1/4 Scale Statues 38idvz

    XM Studios: New EU License DC Comics 1/4 Scale Statues 48pd7z

    XM Studios: New EU License DC Comics 1/4 Scale Statues 5lrefu

    XM Studios: New EU License DC Comics 1/4 Scale Statues 6sses8

    XM Studios: New EU License DC Comics 1/4 Scale Statues 7owdgt

    XM Studios: New EU License DC Comics 1/4 Scale Statues 82lcmz

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil 2024, 08:06