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    The Lord of the Rings : ARAGORN 1:10 Scale Statue


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13798
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    The Lord of the Rings : ARAGORN 1:10 Scale Statue Empty The Lord of the Rings : ARAGORN 1:10 Scale Statue

    Message  doom Lun 31 Jan 2022, 17:44


    The Lord of the Rings  
    1:10 Scale Statue

    The Lord of the Rings : ARAGORN 1:10 Scale Statue 1-8

    The Lord of the Rings : ARAGORN 1:10 Scale Statue 2-6

    The Lord of the Rings : ARAGORN 1:10 Scale Statue 3-6

    The Lord of the Rings : ARAGORN 1:10 Scale Statue 4-6

    The Lord of the Rings : ARAGORN 1:10 Scale Statue Measures-4

    Aragorn – BDS – The Lord of the Rings – Art Scale 1/10
    License: The Lord of the Rings
    Scale: 1/10
    – Limited edition
    – Based on original references
    – Made in polystone – *(may contain parts in resin, polystone, PVC, metal and fabric)
    – Hand painted

    Product dimensions: 9.4 in (H) x 5.1 in (W) x 4.3 (D)
    Product Weight: 0.7 lbs
    Release schedule: Fourth quarter of 2022


      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 25 Jan 2025, 21:12