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    Star Ace Toys : Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – Caesar on Horse Statue (Spear Version)


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13701
    Age : 57
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    Star Ace Toys : Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – Caesar on Horse Statue (Spear Version) Empty Star Ace Toys : Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – Caesar on Horse Statue (Spear Version)

    Message  doom Mer 05 Aoû 2020, 19:13


    Star Ace Toys

    Dawn of the Planet of the Apes  
    Caesar on Horse Statue 
    (Spear Version)

    Star Ace Toys : Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – Caesar on Horse Statue (Spear Version) Star-Ace-Caesar-Statue-001

    Star Ace Toys : Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – Caesar on Horse Statue (Spear Version) Star-Ace-Caesar-Statue-002

    Star Ace Toys : Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – Caesar on Horse Statue (Spear Version) Star-Ace-Caesar-Statue-003

    Star Ace Toys : Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – Caesar on Horse Statue (Spear Version) Star-Ace-Caesar-Statue-004

    $289 - January , March of 2021

    In Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the first talking ape, Caesar, led the apes in a rebellion against the humans. In War of the Planet of the Apes he became the general of an ape army, battling the humans who refused to let them live in peace.
    This Star Ace figure of Caesar sits on his horse, ready to go into battle with his spear. The horse features a removeable saddle and bridle as seen in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

    This statue of polyresin and soft vinyl is approximately 39 cm tall to the top of Caesar’s head while mounted on the horse.


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13701
    Age : 57
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    Star Ace Toys : Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – Caesar on Horse Statue (Spear Version) Empty Re: Star Ace Toys : Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – Caesar on Horse Statue (Spear Version)

    Message  doom Sam 08 Aoû 2020, 10:20


    Caesar (Gun Version)

    Star Ace Toys : Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – Caesar on Horse Statue (Spear Version) Caesar-gun-version_war-of-the-planet-of-the-apes_gallery_5f2b3f9ab5c35

    Star Ace Toys : Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – Caesar on Horse Statue (Spear Version) Caesar-gun-version_war-of-the-planet-of-the-apes_gallery_5f2b3f9b68e6e

    Star Ace Toys : Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – Caesar on Horse Statue (Spear Version) Caesar-gun-version_war-of-the-planet-of-the-apes_gallery_5f2b3f9d1ae18


      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil 2024, 03:37