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    THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13752
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  Empty THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue

    Message  doom Mer 22 Juil 2020, 15:58


    1:6 scale statue

    THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  106194431_3064169376951432_9195419755049487785_o.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=19DnoBe8FgoAX-otK_d&_nc_ht=scontent-frt3-1

    THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  106376806_3064169450284758_3567722573555365564_o.jpg?_nc_cat=104&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=IkKfJ675GfgAX_CBIbO&_nc_ht=scontent-frt3-1

    THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  106613978_3064169560284747_2402930742171383529_o.jpg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=zjEt7MUrR1cAX8vSuuN&_nc_oc=AQm62hP_0ExFqZRpkQ79caoeHsqioJQhobR-JgX8nYhNRkNw2WEF2tThogC9FiSmQhU&_nc_ht=scontent-frt3-1

    THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  106639681_3064169616951408_3473331005011716273_o.jpg?_nc_cat=104&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=bJTvSzzdVfwAX-1kZJ5&_nc_ht=scontent-frt3-1

    THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  107569664_3064169690284734_2844020581281226175_o.jpg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=4I2PQEw4xW0AX_oSUdE&_nc_oc=AQkBiZkDvlcciTlVu9RE4hOYqc1aXbn_sUyTCq5BJ_RpPFu5KN5ILRvQZwcU5DQ5chA&_nc_ht=scontent-frx5-1

    THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  107931037_3064169766951393_6003639017670877717_o.jpg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=2PfVGOVSaAIAX9eO4hT&_nc_ht=scontent-frt3-1

    THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  107388761_3064169890284714_996560557762805847_o.jpg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=F1NEcGSBlqsAX88z9JH&_nc_ht=scontent-frx5-1

    THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  107567390_3064169956951374_952324533312512458_o.jpg?_nc_cat=101&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=94lwvW35n4IAX_lqoE3&_nc_ht=scontent-frt3-2

    THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  106269832_3064170010284702_1419531256035050678_o.jpg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=84En5hugKx8AX8xJryS&_nc_ht=scontent-frt3-1

    THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  106780600_3064170100284693_7634936023632835727_o.jpg?_nc_cat=108&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=d52xB4sTfTwAX-P-d-d&_nc_ht=scontent-frt3-1

    1:6 scale statue
    Limited Edition of 700
    $699 - March 2021

    Hunted by Sauron’s Ringwraiths, Frodo and his Hobbit companions flee into the wilderness, led by the mysterious Strider. By secret ways, the ranger guides them across country to Amon Sûl, a lonely hill east of Bree where long ago his Númenórean ancestors built a watchtower. Known as Weathertop, the bare, ruin-studded hill affords a wide view of the lands about, and the companions had hoped to find sign of the missing Wizard Gandalf.

    Any hope of rest is soon shattered when a Nazgûl scream pierces the air: the enemy has found them! Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin are surrounded by five black-cowled Ringwraiths as they huddle amid the broken stones, swords drawn. But the Halflings are no match for the Wraiths, who bat Frodo’s companions aside with disinterest as the Witch-king, their lord, advances on the stumbling Ringbearer.
    Unable to resist, Frodo thrusts the One Ring onto his finger and is plunged into the grey spirit world of Ring-sight. No longer an empty black robe, the Witch-king is revealed to Frodo in his true form, fell and terrible to behold. Beneath a bladed crown he glows with an unearthly light; a tall white being of ghostly skin drawn about sunken features, wispy hair whipped by an ethereal tempest, and a long, jagged blade in his luminous hand as he reaches for the Ring.


    • 1:6 scale;
    • Limited Edition;
    • Captures a critical moment in Tolkien’s story, where we almost lose our hero;
    • Elements whipped & distorted by Wraith-world effects create the sense the Witch-King is in a different elemental space, distanced from the Hobbit;
    • Prototype by Weta Workshop sculptor Jane Wenley;
    • Made from high-quality polystone with environmental resin;

    Packing an armature into her San Diego Comic-Con suitcase, Weta Workshop sculptor Jane Wenley began the piece in the thick of the action in 2018. The sculpture evolved over a period of two years, with the statue’s composition and detail undergoing an evolution driven by co-founder and creative director, Richard Taylor. Watch our creative journey unfold in our two-part series on the making of this collectible.

    Rédacteur / Editor
    Rédacteur / Editor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 18806
    Age : 47
    Date d'inscription : 08/06/2009

    THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  Empty Re: THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue

    Message  Logan Mer 22 Juil 2020, 16:08

    Scène mythique de la Communauté de l'anneau drunken

    THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  180731060332238239THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  180924071714993025THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  200528051841483451THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  200528051902458170THE WITCH-KING & FRODO AT WEATHERTOP - 1:6 scale statue  200528051905784579

      La date/heure actuelle est Mer 09 Oct 2024, 17:12