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    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death Empty Premium Collectibles : Lady Death

    Message  GrumpyBear Mer 25 Mar 2020, 13:19

    GHeroes Europe News

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death Thanosbannerpocajpj

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    today GHeroes announce the official PreOrder for the XM Lady Death 1/4 scale statue here with us in europe on our homepage Death has manifested itself on the physical plane, it often takes the form of a skeletal female and goes online today 25.03.2020 at 19:00 o´clock (German Time Zone). She will be retailing at €1190 or €1070 with full payment. The PreOrder Period for her will be closed at 25.04.2020.


    We offer 10% discount if you choose the full payment.

    1. Retail price 1190,00 EUR
    2. Discount 10%
    3. New price 1070,00 EUR


    Period XM Lady Death : 25.03 - 25.04.2020.

    XM Lady Death : Pre-Order - English
    XM Lady Death : Pre-Order - German


    XM Lady Death has an Made to Order (MTO) edition size. After orders taken within the 1 month period at our online store XM Studios will not produce anymore pieces so don’t miss the chance to own Lady Death. Death is an abstract entity embodying the concept of the mortality and extinction, inasmuch as its opposite, Eternity, embodies life. Death and Eternity even regard themselves as siblings, having come into existence at the moment the universe was formed. Safe your Pre-Order.


    - Lady Death in all her beautiful glory, the flowing cape with detailed textures.
    - Featuring portrait and hand in human form.
    - Product size : 60 cm L X 33 cm B X 79 cm H
    - Est Product Weight: 17 kg


    GHeroes Shop : FAQ (English)
    GHeroes Shop : FAQ (German)


    You’ll receive an email with all further information after you secured one of the XM Lady Death 1/4 statue PreOrder.

    Have a nice week!


    XM Studios Premium Collectibles Facebook

    GHeroes European Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death 013jks0

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death 02v3ko6

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death 03pfk5j

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death 04yuj96

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death 05l8jv3

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death 06s3jsv

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death 07gwjte


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Lady Death

    Message  GrumpyBear Mar 31 Mar 2020, 15:44

    XM Studios News

    "XM Studios is excited to present our next Marvel Premium Collectibles series statue, Lady Death! During the times that Death has manifested itself on the physical plane, it often takes the form of a skeletal female. This beloved character is immortalized in amazingly detailed 1:4 scale cold-cast porcelain. Each painstakingly handcrafted statue is individually hand-painted with the highest possible quality finish. Don't miss out on adding Lady Death to complete your collection!

    Lady Death - Death is an abstract entity embodying the concept of the mortality and extinction, inasmuch as its opposite, Eternity, embodies life. Death and Eternity even regard themselves as siblings, having come into existence at the moment the universe was formed."

    XM Studios Premium Collectibles Facebook

    GHeroes European Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death 017yjce

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death 032kjwo

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death 04pnjq3


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Lady Death

    Message  GrumpyBear Mer 13 Mai 2020, 14:04

    GHeroes Europe News

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death Ladydeathbannerpofina99jao

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    today GHeroes like to announce the FINAL CALL to PreOrder the XM Lady Death 1/4 scale statue here with us in europe! Our online store at will close orders on 25.05.2020, 17:00 (GermanTimeZone) and the final ES to be announced later.


    XM Lady Death has an Made to Order (MTO) edition size. Make sure to order within the last two weeks so you won’t miss the chance to own the Death. Lady Death, an abstract entity embodying the concept of the mortality and extinction, inasmuch as its opposite, Eternity, embodies life. Safe your Pre-Order!


    XM Lady Death : Pre-Order - English
    XM Lady Death : Pre-Order - German


    - Lady Death in all her beautiful glory, the flowing cape with detailed textures.
    - Featuring portrait and hand in human form.
    - Product size : 60 cm L X 33 cm B X 79 cm H
    - Est Product Weight: 17 kg


    GHeroes Shop : FAQ (English)
    GHeroes Shop : FAQ (German)


    You’ll receive an email with all further information after you secured one of the XM Lady Death 1/4 statues Pre-Order.

    Have a nice week!


    XM Studios Premium Collectibles Facebook

    GHeroes European Master Distributor Facebook


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4107
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Lady Death

    Message  GrumpyBear Lun 06 Juil 2020, 18:44

    XM Studios News

    "Today XM Studios announced two edition sizes. The XM Thanos (Stand-alone) 1/4 statue comes with ES350 and the XM Lady Death (Stand-alone) 1/4 statue finished with ES150."

    XM Studios Premium Collectibles Facebook

    GHeroes European Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death 107203325_26399539928rukgv

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    Premium Collectibles : Lady Death Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Lady Death

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      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 01 Déc 2024, 22:13