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Le deal à ne pas rater :
Blue Lock : où acheter le Tome 22 édition limitée du manga Blue ...
12 €
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2 participants

    BEAST KINGDOM - Justice League Batman bust


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13701
    Age : 57
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    BEAST KINGDOM - Justice League Batman bust Empty BEAST KINGDOM - Justice League Batman bust

    Message  doom Mer 18 Sep 2019, 19:20


    Justice League Batman

    BEAST KINGDOM - Justice League Batman bust Beast_10

    BEAST KINGDOM - Justice League Batman bust Beast_11

    BEAST KINGDOM - Justice League Batman bust Beast_12

    BEAST KINGDOM - Justice League Batman bust Beast_13

    Prix de sortie:$59.90
    Date de sortie: aout 2020
    Nombre d'exemplaire:TBD
    Dimensions:  6"

    Each 6-inch PVC character bust comes with a dedicated logo base, and a great attention to fine details, from the face sculpting to the details on the costumes.  The inaugural installment focuses on Batman as he takes aim with his Batarang, Wonder Woman defending herself from bullets, and Superman winding up for a super-punch!

    le Gardien
    le Gardien

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 21407
    Age : 60
    Date d'inscription : 10/12/2008

    BEAST KINGDOM - Justice League Batman bust Empty Re: BEAST KINGDOM - Justice League Batman bust

    Message  le Gardien Mer 18 Sep 2019, 22:19

    Sombre !! On ne voit pas grand chose, mais il a l'air cool !! pouce

    BEAST KINGDOM - Justice League Batman bust Avenge10 BEAST KINGDOM - Justice League Batman bust ConanBuscema3 BEAST KINGDOM - Justice League Batman bust RECAST

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil 2024, 08:01