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    COURT OF THE DEAD : Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead premium format


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13798
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    COURT OF THE DEAD : Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead premium format Empty COURT OF THE DEAD : Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead premium format

    Message  doom Mar 09 Juil 2019, 15:56

    Paladin of the Dead
    premium format

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    Prix de sortie:$620
    Date de sortie: Jan 2020 - Mar 2020
    Nombre d'exemplaire:TBD
    Taille: Height: 20.25" (514.35 mm) | Width: 18" (457.2 mm)
    Adam Smith(Mold and Cast)
    Tim Hanson (Costume Fabrication)
    Tom Gilliland (Design) (Paint)
    Casey Love (Paint)
    Esther Skandunas (Costume Fabrication)  
    Rachel Roubicek (Design)
    Amilcar Fong (Design)  
    Ryan Peterson (Sculpt)

    There’s not a damn thing you can’t find if you’re looking hard enough!
    - Relic Ravlatch, Legendary Valiant
    Sideshow presents the Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead Premium Format Figure. Relic Ravlatch is a character from Sideshow’s original dark fantasy horror property, Court of the Dead. 
    The Relic Knights are sturdy vessels for the most devoted of the Soulborn. Thirteen forms, each harder to haunt than the last. No will was strong enough to haunt and inhabit the thirteenth form—until Robert Ravlatch. In life, Ravlatch had already resisted harvesting for years. But when The Alltaker saw Ravlatch’s sheer potential, he made a deal with him. If he could inhabit the impossible thirteenth Relic Knight, he would become Death’s Paladin. And so their relationship began. As a Relic Knight, Ravlatch has become the eyes and ears for The Alltaker, and often goes on solitary quests to collect essential artifacts and uncover the secrets of the Celestial Realms.
    The Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead Premium Format Figure shows Ravlatch with an array of highly detailed sentient artifacts that he acquired during his quests. The TrueBurn Lantern is an ancient celestial artifact that functions as both moral and literal compass and communicator. On his back rests Ghadam’s Bullwark Shield, a shield that defends Ravlatch from javelins and jeers. In his right arm, he holds the Bravenail Blade, a sword with a heavy history of valor. Hanging from his belt, Ravlatch has the hand of Gutty Tubo, the magical severed hand of a master thief. The Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead Premium Format Figure also includes an extra arm that can hold Ghadam’s Bullwark Shield. 
    While Ravlatch serves The Alltaker, he has also chosen to join the Faction of Bone. Thus, he has fastened an Underworld United Signet to his cloak. And in the Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead Premium Format Figure, he displays the symbol of the Bone Faction on his helmet and chest. 
    Answer the call of adventure and add the Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead Premium Format Figure to your collection!

    Rédacteur / Editor
    Rédacteur / Editor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 18806
    Age : 48
    Date d'inscription : 08/06/2009

    COURT OF THE DEAD : Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead premium format Empty Re: COURT OF THE DEAD : Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead premium format

    Message  Logan Mar 09 Juil 2019, 17:07

    Il est splendide a tout point de vue drunken

    Par contre Sideshow pourrait être sympa et voir ses prix a la baisse pour un univers sans licence et qui est donc tout bénéfice pour eux, j'ai pu constater sur Youtube des collectionneurs US qui lâchaient cette gamme (a regret) parce qu'ils ne peuvent plus suivre avec ces prix.

    COURT OF THE DEAD : Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead premium format 180731060332238239COURT OF THE DEAD : Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead premium format 180924071714993025COURT OF THE DEAD : Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead premium format 200528051841483451COURT OF THE DEAD : Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead premium format 200528051902458170COURT OF THE DEAD : Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead premium format 200528051905784579

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 18 Jan 2025, 19:06