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    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  GrumpyBear Mer 10 Oct 2018, 08:59

    News GHeroes Europe

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  HPBannerLondon

    GHeroes Europe Facebook

    XM Studios Facebook


    Dear Collectors and Friends,

    GHeroes as the XM Studios Official EU Master Distributor together with Semic is excited and proud to announce our third convention in europe
    for 2018. For our fans we will be at the MCM London Comic Con 2018 from October 26th to October 28th to present our statues to the european
    collectors. We are not alone in London! At our side we are supported by Bryan, Clair and Min from XM Studios, welcome!  

    MCM Comic Con events are the UK and most exciting pop culture shows, and the only UK based shows that bring together such a broad scope
    of popular culture categories including; Movies, Gaming, Comics, Anime, Television, Gadgets, Clothing and Toys. The convention attract over
    140.000 visitors at the ExCel London. They aim to put on the best consumer shows for the modern pop-culture market. The show floors are
    packed full of activity from live eSports matches and cosplay celebrations to experiential opportunities inspired by the movies and brand new
    releases of your favourite games to play. On top of all that they have the awesome Comic Village area for independent comic artists, VidFest for
    upcoming YouTube stars, PopAsia to revel in all things Asian inspired and Memorabilia, the collector haven. The theatres also play host to exclusive
    screenings and panels of special guests, all whom take part in photograph sessions and signings throughout the weekend. MCM Comic Con is THE
    destination event to celebrate all things pop-culture, it is not to be missed by any geek, nerd, cosplayer, or fan boy and girl!

    The MCM London Comic Con 2018 is an selected event. That means you can exclusive PreOrder the Event Exclusives statues with us in
    europe at this place. Be prepared to PreOrder the XM Hulk Transformation 1/4 Statue right here at London 2018! The event is open from
    Friday, October 26th to Sunday, October 28th. We wish you all a lot of fun with us in england. You are welcome here.  

    Event Exclusive

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  HulkbusterLondonXM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  HulkTransformationLondon



    With the third convention in 2018 we bring for our fans in england the biggest booth we showed until now in europe. At MCM London Comic Con
    you can see in person the Event Exclusive XM Hulk Transformation 1/4 Statue right on display at our GHeroes and Semic booth! GHeroes
    and XM Studios will show you also from Narin the XM Predator 1/3 Statue and new XM Alien 1/3 Statue. Another highlight will be at London 2018 from
    XM Studios, the David Finch - XM Batman Sanity 1/6 Statue. A piece total of 12 characters and specially designed by David Finch in collaboration with
    XM Studios. Much more to see!

    GHeroes and Semic will show you from Marvel an huge booth and we start with the X-Men! First the Exclusive XM Gambit 1/4 Statue. Old rivals
    and friends are the XM Professor X 1/4 Statue and XM Magneto White 1/4 Statue. The good guys showed up with XM Cyclops 1/4 Statue, XM
    Wolverine Brown
    1/4 Statue, XM Weapon X 1/4 Statue, XM Storm 1/4 Statue and the cool XM Iceman 1/4 Statue. Two more villains with XM Mystique
    1/4 Statue and the XM Omega Red 1/4 Statue. The Guardians of the Galaxy take place with XM Star Lord 1/4 Statue and the great XM Rocket & Groot 1/4
    Statue. All time enemys on display, the XM Spider-Man 1/4 Statue in fight with XM Dr Octopus 1/4 Statue and XM Carnage 1/4 Statue. Our last piece is an
    Avenger, the XM Scarlet Witch 1/4 Statue.

    For DC Premium Collectibles and beside the David Finch - XM Batman Sanity 1/6 Statue there is many more on display from XM Studios. The unique
    "Knight of the Rising Sun" line comes with the Exclusive XM Deathstroke 1/4 Statue. Same line and a feisty female member of the Bat family, XM Batgirl 1/4
    Statue. You need an big villain, here comes XM Bane 1/4 Statue for London. From the new DC 1/6 line you can take a look on the Justice League
    with the XM Wonder Woman 1/6 Statue, XM Superman 1/6 Statue, XM Aquaman 1/6 Statue, XM Flash 1/6 Statue and the villain XM Joker 1/6 Statue.

    We finish our presentation with the XM Red Power Ranger 1/4 Statue and present you the iconic team leader of the Mighty Morphin Power
    Rangers! The Ogre Bust from Takeya for the final. His favorite style is to combine two elements in a single figure. A masterpiece of a mixture
    of Japan’s origins, ‘Jomon’, and the newer civilization, ‘Yayoi’, evolved from people in areas of Asian countries.    

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  AlienLondonXM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  BatmanLondon
    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  PredatorLondonXM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  GambitLondon
    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  WolverineLondonXM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  DeathstrokeLondon
    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  SpidermanLondonXM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  DrOctopusLondon
    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  WonderWomanLondonXM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  RocketGrootLondon
    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  StarLordLondonXM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  ProfessorXLondon
    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  CyclopsLondonXM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  IcemanLondon

    ......and more!


    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  PageLogoLondonWhite


    Information for you!

    For more information about the MCM London Comic Con 2018 please visit our homepage and the page "London 2018".

    London 2018 : Content Page

    London 2018 : Exhibition
    London 2018 : Showroom
    London 2018 : Merchandising (Artprint, Cup, Shirt)
    London 2018 : Map
    London 2018 : Youtube
    London 2018 : Country & Address
    London 2018 : Information & Social Media
    London 2018 : Google Map - Your way to London 2018


    We are here - For you!

    GHeroes Europe - Shop
    GHeroes Europe - Facebook
    GHeroes Europe - Twitter
    GHeroes Europe - Instagram
    GHeroes Europe - tumblr
    GHeroes Europe - google+
    GHeroes Europe - Pinterest
    GHeroes Europe - YouTube


    We wish you all a lot of fun in england. You are welcome here!

    Best Regards

    Dernière édition par GrumpyBear le Mer 17 Oct 2018, 15:26, édité 3 fois

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty Re: XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  GrumpyBear Mar 16 Oct 2018, 15:52

    News GHeroes Europe

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Facebook

    GHeroes Europe Facebook

    XM Studios Facebook


    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Banner960HulkTransformation

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Banner960Hulkbuster

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Banner960Alien

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Banner960Batman

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Banner960Predator

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Banner960Wolverine

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Banner960Deathstroke

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Banner960Gambit

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Banner960Spiderman

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Banner960WonderWoman

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Banner960Cyclops

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Banner960DrOctopus


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty Re: XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  GrumpyBear Dim 21 Oct 2018, 17:11

    News GHeroes Europe

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Facebook

    GHeroes Europe Facebook

    XM Studios Facebook


    London 2018 Map

    The MCM London Comic Con 2018 from October 26th to October 28th will take place at the ExCel London. The halls spreads over 87,328m2 column free space divided into the North (5) and South Event Halls (7) with a capacity at any one time for 68,750 visitors. The ExCeL London's multipurpose Event Halls offer a totally blank canvas, unrestricted by pillars or awkward corners, ideal for anything from exhibitions and conferences to association meetings, congresses, product launches and AGMs.

    To find our booth N1800 at London 2018 we have for you a Overview Map which shows our North Event Halls (5). Visit us at the North Event Halls on booth N1800, you are welcome here!

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  London960NorthHallsN1500

    Dernière édition par GrumpyBear le Mer 24 Oct 2018, 14:49, édité 1 fois

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty Re: XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  GrumpyBear Lun 22 Oct 2018, 17:49

    News GHeroes Europe

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Facebook

    GHeroes Europe Facebook

    XM Studios Facebook



    If you come to the MCM London Comic Con 2018 this October you can expect more from us as just statues. We have three things to choose for our european fans at London 2018. First an 'OG' XM Black Ceramic Cup, an high quality Supima Cotton 'OG' XM Black Shirt or an amazing artprint. High quality artwork from Studio HIVE done by Skan Srisuwan himself. The artprint from the XM Batman Samurai is waiting for you in an beautiful A3 size. The distribution at London 2018 will be the following. With an Purchase or PreOrder at London 2018 you will receive one of the limited pieces.

    Note: Both MCM London and GHeroes logos are not on the artprint!

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  ArtprintBanner2


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty Re: XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  GrumpyBear Mar 23 Oct 2018, 12:51

    News GHeroes Europe

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Facebook

    GHeroes Europe Facebook

    XM Studios Facebook


    Narin Alien and Predator

    For the first time you can PreOrder both Narin 1/3 statues at MCM London Comic Con 2018 this October.
    GHeroes and XM Studios will show you the XM Predator 1/3 and new XM Alien 1/3, ready for PreOrder in europe.

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  LondonNarinAlien

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  LondonNarinPredator


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty Re: XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  GrumpyBear Mer 24 Oct 2018, 15:14

    News GHeroes Europe

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Facebook

    GHeroes Europe Facebook

    XM Studios Facebook



    We moved from booth N1500 to N1800 at the MCM London Comic Con 2018 from Oct. 26th to Oct. 28th.
    Visit us at the North Event Halls (5) on booth N1800, you are welcome here!

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  London960NorthHallsN1800Detail


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty Re: XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  GrumpyBear Mer 24 Oct 2018, 23:07

    News GHeroes Europe

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Facebook

    GHeroes Europe Facebook

    XM Studios Facebook


    Today Setup

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-1043i7o

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10q5f0s

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10cndp2

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-106vi4g

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10u3frv

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10slf7z

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10bbi09


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty Re: XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  GrumpyBear Jeu 25 Oct 2018, 18:37

    News GHeroes Europe

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Facebook

    GHeroes Europe Facebook

    XM Studios Facebook


    Pictures from Bryan Tan

    - Wolverine Swords, Spider-Man 3rd head, Alien 2nd head -

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10d6cox

    26 Pictures:


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty Re: XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  GrumpyBear Jeu 25 Oct 2018, 23:02

    News GHeroes Europe

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Facebook

    GHeroes Europe Facebook

    XM Studios Facebook


    We are ready - MCM London Comic Con 2018

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10bsdac

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10a9ij1

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10yvfxl

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10v2fb3

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10s5dvp

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10spi2y

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10hdehe


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty Re: XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  GrumpyBear Ven 26 Oct 2018, 18:18

    News GHeroes Europe

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Facebook

    GHeroes Europe Facebook

    XM Studios Facebook


    Pictures from Mark Randolph

    - XM Booth London Comic Con 2018 Pictures -

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  44790449_101568526238tlc0k

    26 Pictures:


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty Re: XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  GrumpyBear Ven 26 Oct 2018, 22:10

    News GHeroes Europe

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Facebook

    GHeroes Europe Facebook

    XM Studios Facebook


    MCM London Comic Con 2018 - Cosplay

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10n3fop

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10ugeyo

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-104hcf1

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10eiieg

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10rmine

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10eoiug

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10fhdvv

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10apcke


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty Re: XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  GrumpyBear Sam 27 Oct 2018, 00:19

    News GHeroes Europe

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Facebook

    GHeroes Europe Facebook

    XM Studios Facebook


    Pictures from Mark Randolph

    - XM Booth London Comic Con 2018 Magneto -

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  44848431_10156852541762d3u

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  44838400_101568525431oai1e

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    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  44876456_1015685254322xfb5

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  43603059_101568525431modm7

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  44905844_101568525433beiuf

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  44843874_101568525433r0dpu


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty Re: XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  GrumpyBear Sam 27 Oct 2018, 15:22

    News GHeroes Europe

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Facebook

    GHeroes Europe Facebook

    XM Studios Facebook


    Pictures from Miguel Alejandro Cabezas

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  0toimm

    31 Pictures:


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty Re: XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  GrumpyBear Sam 27 Oct 2018, 23:04

    News GHeroes Europe

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Facebook

    GHeroes Europe Facebook

    XM Studios Facebook


    Pictures from Ray Aldridge

    - Hulk Transf. and Batman Sanity MCM London -

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  10te5r

    14 Pictures:


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty Re: XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  GrumpyBear Dim 28 Oct 2018, 12:13

    News GHeroes Europe

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Facebook

    GHeroes Europe Facebook

    XM Studios Facebook


    Day 2

    "Pictures from the second day at MCM London Comic Con 2018. We met many collectors. Today is the last day. Visit us at the North Event Halls (5) on booth N1800, you are welcome!"

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  0pvejj

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  1ngeg4

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  2xnc4s

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  344isg

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  4rqf3l

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  5swfj2

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  6t9f3i

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  7hrfsx

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  83qd0k


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4073
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty Re: XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  GrumpyBear Lun 29 Oct 2018, 15:37

    News GHeroes Europe

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Facebook

    GHeroes Europe Facebook

    XM Studios Facebook


    Goodbye London

    "Final day and hours at the MCM London Comic Con 2018. Great days with many new friends, was a pleasure. Now we are on the way to Lucca Comics & Games 2018 in italy, goodbye London."

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-1030cpa

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10z9ctj

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10p4fqh

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10cccam

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Whatsappimage2018-10dgf85

    Contenu sponsorisé

    XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th  Empty Re: XM Studios: Coverage London 2018 - October 26th to 28th

    Message  Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 05 Oct 2024, 06:15