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    STANLEY LAU Artist series: CATWOMAN Statue

    le Gardien
    le Gardien

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 21407
    Age : 60
    Date d'inscription : 10/12/2008

    STANLEY LAU Artist series: CATWOMAN Statue Empty STANLEY LAU Artist series: CATWOMAN Statue

    Message  le Gardien Ven 03 Aoû 2018, 14:43

    ' Stanley Lau ' CATWOMAN 

    STANLEY LAU Artist series: CATWOMAN Statue Dc-comics-catwoman-stanley-artgerm-lau-artist-series-statue-200428-01

    STANLEY LAU Artist series: CATWOMAN Statue Dc-comics-catwoman-stanley-artgerm-lau-artist-series-statue-200428-02

    STANLEY LAU Artist series: CATWOMAN Statue Dc-comics-catwoman-stanley-artgerm-lau-artist-series-statue-200428-03

    SIDESHOW EXCLUSIVE Exclusively available through Limited availability in select international territories.


    Prix de sortie:350$
    Date de sortie: Juillet 2018
    Nombre d'exemplaire:750
    Dimension:17.5" H (444.5mm) x 11" W (279.4mm) x 6" L (152.4mm)
    Poids:6.00 lbs (2.72 kg)
    Matière: Polyresin, Plastic

    Stanley "Artgerm" Lau (Design)
    Ian MacDonald (Design)
    Joe Jung (Sculpt)
    Karl Deen Sander (Mold & Cast)
    Kat Sapene (Paint)
    Chie Izuma (Paint)
    The Sideshow Design and Development Team

    STANLEY LAU Artist series: CATWOMAN Statue Avenge10 STANLEY LAU Artist series: CATWOMAN Statue ConanBuscema3 STANLEY LAU Artist series: CATWOMAN Statue RECAST

      La date/heure actuelle est Mer 09 Oct 2024, 17:46