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    IRON STUDIOS: KILLMONGER black panther movie art scale 1/10

    le Gardien
    le Gardien

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 21407
    Age : 61
    Date d'inscription : 10/12/2008

    IRON STUDIOS: KILLMONGER black panther movie art scale 1/10  Empty IRON STUDIOS: KILLMONGER black panther movie art scale 1/10

    Message  le Gardien Mar 29 Mai 2018, 16:51

    KILLMONGER black panther movie
    Art scale 1/10

    IRON STUDIOS: KILLMONGER black panther movie art scale 1/10  Iron-studios-killmonger-01

    IRON STUDIOS: KILLMONGER black panther movie art scale 1/10  Iron-studios-killmonger-02

    IRON STUDIOS: KILLMONGER black panther movie art scale 1/10  Iron-studios-killmonger-03


    ÉCHELLE: 1/10
    Nombre d'exemplaires:Limité
    DIMENSIONS: hauteur NC
    Matière: Polystone
    Poids: NC
    Prix de sortie: 99.99 Us$
    Date de sortie:2e semestre 2018

    Based on original 3D references from the movie
    Made in Polystone

    • Includes two interchangeable hand options with 2 weapons.

    Hand painted


    IRON STUDIOS: KILLMONGER black panther movie art scale 1/10  Avenge10 IRON STUDIOS: KILLMONGER black panther movie art scale 1/10  ConanBuscema3 IRON STUDIOS: KILLMONGER black panther movie art scale 1/10  RECAST

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 25 Jan 2025, 13:47