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2 participants

    Marvel Premium Motion Statue - Deadpool Rocket Ride By Factory Entertainment

    Rédacteur / Editor
    Rédacteur / Editor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 18806
    Age : 47
    Date d'inscription : 08/06/2009

    Marvel Premium Motion Statue - Deadpool Rocket Ride By Factory Entertainment Empty Marvel Premium Motion Statue - Deadpool Rocket Ride By Factory Entertainment

    Message  Logan Ven 12 Fév 2016, 18:28

    Marvel Premium Motion Statue - Deadpool Rocket Ride By Factory Entertainment FAC10150

    Marvel Premium Motion Statue - Deadpool Rocket Ride By Factory Entertainment FAC10150

    Standing fully erect at a colossal 10 inches high, this highly detailed Premium Motion Statue(tm) recreates one of Deadpool's most iconic images. Deadpool's red rocket gracefully sways back and forth simulating a sky rocket in flight, sure to delight fans eager for further stimulation that regular statues cannot provide.

    Estimated to Arrive: 2nd Quarter 2016

    Price: $199.99

    Marvel Premium Motion Statue - Deadpool Rocket Ride By Factory Entertainment 180731060332238239Marvel Premium Motion Statue - Deadpool Rocket Ride By Factory Entertainment 180924071714993025Marvel Premium Motion Statue - Deadpool Rocket Ride By Factory Entertainment 200528051841483451Marvel Premium Motion Statue - Deadpool Rocket Ride By Factory Entertainment 200528051902458170Marvel Premium Motion Statue - Deadpool Rocket Ride By Factory Entertainment 200528051905784579
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Nombre de messages : 5897
    Age : 41
    Date d'inscription : 27/11/2014

    Marvel Premium Motion Statue - Deadpool Rocket Ride By Factory Entertainment Empty Re: Marvel Premium Motion Statue - Deadpool Rocket Ride By Factory Entertainment

    Message  Agalnarok Ven 12 Fév 2016, 19:52

    Laughing Laughing Laughing

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil 2024, 06:45