Marvel's Collections & Customs

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    Nash mensualité PayPal

    Complétiste collector
    Complétiste collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4768
    Age : 49
    Date d'inscription : 01/02/2009

    Nash mensualité PayPal Empty Nash mensualité PayPal

    Message  shokers Jeu 11 Fév 2016, 22:45

    Alors en gros je paie en plusieurs fois le nash, mais je ne comprend pas leurs demandes, je penser le débit automatique, alors si l'on peut m'aider merci :

    Please try and make your payment before or on the due date to avoid potential cancellation of your order.

    Send your Paypal payment (US Dollars) to the email   

    The receipt you receive from Paypal is confirmation; you do not need a separate receipt from us.

    If you do not have a PayPal account you can still pay through PayPal using your credit card by following this LINK TO PAYPAL.  

    Please note the following in the message section of your Paypal payment:

    A - Nash Alpha Ex Feb Payment
    B - Email address you originally ordered from if different than current email
    C - Phone number we can reach you at if needed

    If you have made your payment in the past few days you can disregard this email.

      La date/heure actuelle est Mer 23 Oct 2024, 21:43