Marvel's Collections & Customs

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Manga Spy x Family Tome 13 édition Collector : où le précommander ?
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turner _for-ever
micky willis
Saturday Knight Surfer
John Doe
Rody Siffrecco
Ghost Rider
the liar
green lantern 76
Aron le renégat
Black Cat 66000
Fouloude Gloziol
Red Rocket 64
80 participants


    Red Rocket 64
    Red Rocket 64
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 11374
    Age : 57
    Localisation : Pays Basque
    Date d'inscription : 14/06/2010

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  Red Rocket 64 Ven 02 Mar 2012, 12:39

    ça me rappelle que j'ai une compil des chansons des Charlots, et Rinaldi était un sacré chanteur avec un sacré timbre de voix [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image] Toute une époque qui s'en va, RIP Mr Rinaldi [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 6522
    Age : 59
    Localisation : var
    Date d'inscription : 07/02/2009

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  fantomas Ven 02 Mar 2012, 12:43

    R.I.P mr Rinaldi
    Sculpteur / Sculptor
    Sculpteur / Sculptor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1227
    Age : 53
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  applefish Ven 02 Mar 2012, 12:44

    une nouvelle qui me rend bien triste .

    Reposez en paix , Monsieur Rinaldi !
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 28431
    Age : 52
    Localisation : NOWHERE
    Date d'inscription : 06/02/2009

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  ynko Ven 02 Mar 2012, 13:55

    bien triste nouvelle [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
    Black Cat 66000
    Black Cat 66000
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 15557
    Age : 51
    Localisation : à côté de mon minou
    Date d'inscription : 01/12/2010

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  Black Cat 66000 Ven 02 Mar 2012, 14:09

    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 5269
    Age : 66
    Localisation : saint-germain-en-laye
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  mimic Ven 02 Mar 2012, 14:33

    J'adorais ce type qui a porté les "Problemes" ( le groupe de chanteurs dont il etait le leader et le vocaliste) et puis les Charlots à bout de bras : il aurait pu faire des le debut une belle carriere en solo : beau gosse ,bon acteur ,bon chanteur mais il a preferré privilegier l'esprit de camaraderie pendant presque toute sa vie avec fair play et modestie ,ne tirant jamais la couverture à lui ,RIP [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 12392
    Age : 53
    Date d'inscription : 13/03/2010

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  logan60 Ven 02 Mar 2012, 17:45

    RIP Gérard... pale
    Complétiste collector
    Complétiste collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4757
    Age : 108
    Date d'inscription : 28/09/2010

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  Wolverineorigins Ven 02 Mar 2012, 17:51

    [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image] RIP charlot
    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 11337
    Age : 49
    Localisation : Marseille
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  Donovator Ven 02 Mar 2012, 20:07

    Statues collector
    Statues collector

    Féminin Nombre de messages : 765
    Age : 44
    Localisation : a cote de la rue ou est ne le cinema^^
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2011

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  catgirl Ven 02 Mar 2012, 22:11

    Aron le renégat
    Aron le renégat
    Complétiste collector
    Complétiste collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 3165
    Age : 53
    Localisation : Yvelines
    Date d'inscription : 09/02/2009

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  Aron le renégat Ven 02 Mar 2012, 22:12

    RIP, Monsieur Rinaldi. Un homme qui avait plusieurs cordes à son arc, assurément. Je me souviens avoir vu les Charlots en spectacle de fin d'année quand j'étais enfant (ils étaient alors en trio : Rinaldi - Felipelli - Sarrus). Je m'en rappelle encore avec émotion, j'avais passé un bon moment. Merci pour ces bons souvenirs.[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
    Statues collector
    Statues collector

    Féminin Nombre de messages : 765
    Age : 44
    Localisation : a cote de la rue ou est ne le cinema^^
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2011

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  catgirl Dim 04 Mar 2012, 12:08

    Ralph McQuarrie est decede hier,

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    Red Rocket 64
    Red Rocket 64
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 11374
    Age : 57
    Localisation : Pays Basque
    Date d'inscription : 14/06/2010

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  Red Rocket 64 Dim 04 Mar 2012, 12:29

    Grand illustrateur, j'aimais beaucoup ces concepts pour Starwars, un autre génie qui va rejoindre Peter Elson dans des mondes fabuleux. RIP Mister Mc Quarrie [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
    Sculpteur / Sculptor
    Sculpteur / Sculptor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1227
    Age : 53
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  applefish Dim 04 Mar 2012, 18:09

    Encore un grand qui s'en va mais qui laisse derrière lui une oeuvre exceptionnelle et un nombre incalculable des designers directement inspirés par ses travaux !

    Reposez en paix Monsieur et merci pour le rêve que vous nous avez apporté !
    Supreme collector
    Supreme collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1296
    Age : 55
    Localisation : AIX EN PROVENCE
    Date d'inscription : 26/08/2009

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  tosi6319 Dim 04 Mar 2012, 21:12

    désolé pour les non anglophiles mais un grand monsieur de l'univers BATMAN vient de nous quitter.......

    pour l'anecdote ses dessins figuraient dans le n° 1 d'ACTION COMICS de 1938.........putain la vie elle passe si vite....

    Sheldon Moldoff, R.I.P.

    Published Saturday, March 3, 2012 at 10:28 AM

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    Let me tell you some facts about a man named Sheldon Moldoff, who died Wednesday night at the age of 91 due to kidney failure…

    • Shelly Moldoff was one of the artists who worked on the historic Action Comics #1 (1938) which featured the first appearance of Superman. He didn’t work on the Superman material in that issue but he did have artwork in what some call the most important comic book ever published. And he was the last surviving person who did.
    • Shelly Moldoff worked as an assistant and ghost artist to Bob Kane on the earliest Batman stories that appeared in Detective Comics.
    • Shelly Moldoff drew the cover of Flash Comics #1 (1940) which introduced the original Flash to the world.
    • Shelly Moldoff drew the cover of All-American Comics #16 (1940) which introduced the original Green Lantern to the world.
    • Shelly Moldoff was the artist of the original Hawkman feature beginning with the character’s fourth appearance and continuing for several years.
    • Shelly Moldoff was by some accounts the inventor of the horror comic book, having proposed the idea to EC Comics publisher William Gaines before Gaines came out with his own Tales From the Crypt.
    • Shelly Moldoff was the ghost artist for Bob Kane on the Batman comic book stories and covers that Kane allegedly drew between 1953 and 1967. He also worked for DC Comics directly, often as an inker of covers on all their key titles including the Superman books.
    • Shelly Moldoff also worked for Kane as the main artist/designer of the animated TV series, Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse.
    • Shelly Moldoff was a very nice man and as you can tell, a very important person in the history of the American comic book.

    Sheldon “Shelly” Moldoff was born in New York City on April 14, 1920. A self-taught artist, he was encouraged in his work by comic book illustrator Bernard Baily, who lived in the same apartment house as the Moldoff family. He was 17 when he broke into professional comic book work, selling filler pages to Vincent Sullivan, the editor at Detective Comics, Inc. The page for Action Comics #1 may have been his first sale or publication, though there were others at about the same time.

    [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]

    Shelly was much in demand throughout the forties, working for DC on many strips. One of his favorites was one he created — The Black Pirate, featured in Action Comics. In 1953, he became Bob Kane’s main ghost and I guess I need to explain that working arrangement…

    Kane never drew Batman on his own. He was not by nature an adventure artist — funny animals were more his style — nor was he the kind of cartoonist who liked to sit at the drawing board all day and night. When he started producing Batman for Detective Comics, he adopted the modus operandi that was common for newspaper strip creators of the day, which was to hire on one or more assistants. It was also not uncommon for the assistants on a strip to do most or all of the work. Moldoff was apparently Kane’s first assistant on Batman, then he left and was replaced soon after by Jerry Robinson…though the first year of Batman stories also show indicators of other hands.

    As Batman became more popular, the feature got its own comic plus a newspaper strip was added as well as a Batman feature in World’s Finest Comics. Though Kane took on more assistants, the company’s needs for Batman tales exceeded what he and his team could produce so stories were commissioned by DC editors and as per the terms of Kane’s deal with DC, all were signed “Bob Kane.” Artists like Jim Mooney, Dick Sprang, Winslow Mortimer and Curt Swan were Bob Kane ghosts in the sense that the drew comics that were signed as if Kane has drawn them. But none of those men worked for or even dealt with Kane. Jerry Robinson, George Roussos and others did work for Kane though they later began working for DC on their own.

    Around 1946, Kane renegotiated his deal with DC. Under the new contract, DC would continue to commission Batman stories by others (all signed “Bob Kane”) and Kane would produce X number of penciled Batman pages, drawing up scripts purchased by DC editors. The fee he was paid for this was so high that Kane could hire someone else to do the work, pay them low-end going rates for the industry, and live very well off what was left over. For several years, an artist named Lew Sayre Schwartz did somewhere between 80% and 100% of the work Kane handed in under this arrangement. When Schwartz moved on to other work in ’53, Kane offered the position to Shelly Moldoff, who accepted. At first, Kane seems to have done a little art-editing on the pages, occasionally redrawing a shot of Batman or Robin. Before long, he went from doing almost none of the work to doing none of the work. Sheldon Moldoff did it all.

    There is some dispute as to whether the editors up at DC knew that Shelly Moldoff was the guy drawing what Kane handed in. They definitely knew that the work was ghosted but Shelly told me they had no idea he was the ghost. He was also working for DC at the time, mainly as an inker. From time to time, they’d say, “Shelly, we have another Bob Kane story for you to ink” and they’d give him a story he’d penciled for Kane. Others who were around DC at the time said, “Naw, everyone knew Kane’s work was being ghosted by Shelly.”

    Moldoff was still ghosting Kane’s work in 1964 when due to declining sales, DC decided to upgrade the look of the Batman strip, getting rid of the cartoony Kane/Moldoff style and making it more realistic. Moldoff did his best to draw in the new approach but it took a lot of work by the strip’s newly-assigned inkers, Joe Giella and Sid Greene, to make it look more contemporary. For that reason but mostly because Kane had become difficult to deal with, DC decided to change the working relationship. In ’67, Kane’s deal was renegotiated. They gave him a lot of money and he no longer had to pretend to produce pages for them…which put Shelly Moldoff out of a job. At first, he had another gig — working on a cartoon show called Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse that Kane had sold — and he still had some assignments of his own from DC. But then the cartoon work dried up and some new management at DC decided his art was “old-fashioned” and that ended. He worked on and off in advertising and animation after that.

    Then came the comic convention circuit. In the eighties, a Las Vegas cab driver/comic fan named Dave Siegel made contact with Shelly and arranged an invite to the Comic-Con International in San Diego. Shelly was swamped with admirers who wanted to meet him. Many wanted to purchase re-creations he did of his classic covers. I asked him once which one was most requested and he thought for a moment then said, “Lately, anything with Bat-Mite on it.” He designed that and many other well-known characters. Dave did a wonderful thing for Shelly by getting him to conventions…and a wonderful thing for so many of us who enjoyed meeting him and getting to know the guy.
    Red Rocket 64
    Red Rocket 64
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 11374
    Age : 57
    Localisation : Pays Basque
    Date d'inscription : 14/06/2010

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  Red Rocket 64 Dim 04 Mar 2012, 23:00

    R.I.P Mr Moldoff
    Complétiste collector
    Complétiste collector

    Nombre de messages : 4025
    Age : 52
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  Metalbears Lun 05 Mar 2012, 08:44

    arf ...

    mr renaldi pour débuter, je ne l'ai vraiment connu que sur la serie 'marc et sophie', pour ce qui est des charlots j'avoue que je n'en suis pas fan...

    mr Moldoff, effectivement on peu dire que c'est un monument qui aura oeuvré sur batman, il aurait été sympas de connaitre son avis sur ce qu'etait devenu son batman, mais il laissera son empreinte.
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 12392
    Age : 53
    Date d'inscription : 13/03/2010

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  logan60 Lun 05 Mar 2012, 08:45

    RIP messieurs...
    Complétiste collector
    Complétiste collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 3002
    Age : 86
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  Duncan Lun 05 Mar 2012, 17:12

    encore un [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image] R.I.P Mr Moldoff
    Statues collector
    Statues collector

    Féminin Nombre de messages : 765
    Age : 44
    Localisation : a cote de la rue ou est ne le cinema^^
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2011

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  catgirl Mar 06 Mar 2012, 19:21

    monsieur robert B.sherman est decede le 5 mars 3dtriste
    voila son oeuvre, pour moi , inoubliable!

    "Outre Mary Poppins et la musique de l'attraction du parc estampillée Disney, on peut citer Merlin l'enchanteur, Le Livre de la jungle, Les Aristochats, Les Aventures de Winnie l'ourson et, plus récemment, Les Aventures de Tigrou (2000)... autant de dessins animés qui sont bercés par la musique de Robert B. Sherman. Dans ses dernières années, il continuait de travailler pour des comédies musicales telles que Chitty Chitty Bang Bang."

    [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]

    avec walt disney et son frere richard sherman
    Complétiste collector
    Complétiste collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4757
    Age : 108
    Date d'inscription : 28/09/2010

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  Wolverineorigins Mar 06 Mar 2012, 19:37

    RIP Mr et merci pour ces superbes mélodies [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
    Complétiste collector
    Complétiste collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 2868
    Age : 113
    Localisation : DTC
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  dievid Mer 07 Mar 2012, 21:13

    Arg, j'ai vu sur une news aujourd'hui que le dessinateur et illustrateur brésilien Al Rio, pour Alvaro Araújo Lourenço do Rio, s'est suicidé par pendaison le 30 Janvier 2012, à Fortaleza, Brésil. Il avait 49 ans...


    Voilà quelques uns de ces travaux

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    Fouloude Gloziol
    Fouloude Gloziol
    Supreme collector
    Supreme collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 2108
    Age : 52
    Localisation : Dans la plaine (06)
    Date d'inscription : 31/08/2009

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  Fouloude Gloziol Mer 07 Mar 2012, 21:42

    Comme toi David, j'ai été bien triste de cette nouvelle que le Furet avait déjà annoncée 3dtriste

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    Complétiste collector
    Complétiste collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 2868
    Age : 113
    Localisation : DTC
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  dievid Mer 07 Mar 2012, 21:51

    Je l'avais loupé, autant pour moi. Neutral
    Complétiste collector
    Complétiste collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 3072
    Age : 47
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  sabretooth Mer 07 Mar 2012, 23:35

    Et aujourd'hui c'est Pierre tornade qui nous a quitté ! Qui a une filmographie longue comme le bras. Il restera à jamais pour moi la voix parfaite d'obelix dans les adaptations animées d'asterix.

    RIP !

    Contenu sponsorisé

    R.I.P. - Page 4 Empty Re: R.I.P.

    Message  Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil 2024, 04:00