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    Shark City Ozark : 25" Ultimate Bruce Shark Maquette

    Rédacteur / Editor
    Rédacteur / Editor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 18806
    Age : 47
    Date d'inscription : 08/06/2009

    Shark City Ozark : 25" Ultimate Bruce Shark Maquette  Empty Shark City Ozark : 25" Ultimate Bruce Shark Maquette

    Message  Logan Jeu 16 Fév 2012, 09:52

    Shark City Ozark : 25" Ultimate Bruce Shark Maquette  SCO10000

    Shark City Ozark : 25" Ultimate Bruce Shark Maquette  SCO10000

    Shark City Ozark : 25" Ultimate Bruce Shark Maquette  SCO10000

    Hand made in the USA by the Schultz Family in Ozark Missouri.

    * First in the All New Ultimate Bruce Shark Collector’s Set for 2012
    * New Sequel Shark releasing each Quarter 2012
    * Mathematically mapped and reproduced by hand from over 11.2GB of rare reference materials and footage
    * Modeled after the Brand New and untested Platform Sharks before any location filming damages
    * Every curve, angle, and every contour has finally been reproduced precisely for the discerning fan
    * Pectoral fins removable to match behind the scenes photos. Accurate fin gaps and details modeled
    * This the that Powerful, Sleek Killer looking Great White Shark that was envisioned by Mr. Alves
    * 25-inches long (1/12 Scale), approximately 5 pounds of ultra-strong, light-weight hollow cast resins
    * Free hand-crafted Stand and Schultz-family signed Certificate of Authenticity included
    * Each Display is hand-cast, painted and hyper detailed by the entire Schultz family in Ozark, Missouri, USA

    Shark City Ozark Story:

    Shark City Ozark began where Mike Schultz ended. In 2009 Mike suffered total electrical heart failure. Surviving this event provided him a second chance, and he is using it to make his art his primary livelihood, rather than a secondary income to help support his large family. Life became too precious to just live for someday. Since that day his family has been working together with him to grow Shark City Ozark. They have gained the welcome attention of some of the entertainment industries greatest talent, and earned a dedicated fan base who enjoys collecting their amazing creations.

    SCO’s goal is to provide the collector a wide selection of “On-Screen” Shark Collectibles of the utmost quality, detail, and accuracy. Look for more exciting releases to be announced in coming months! In addition to their products, they also perform commission work building dinosaur and shark displays for private collectors as they once did for museums.
    Product Number: SCO10000
    Shipping Weight: 7.00 pounds

    Preorder 2nd quarter 2012

    Price: 599,99$

    Shark City Ozark : 25" Ultimate Bruce Shark Maquette  180731060332238239Shark City Ozark : 25" Ultimate Bruce Shark Maquette  180924071714993025Shark City Ozark : 25" Ultimate Bruce Shark Maquette  200528051841483451Shark City Ozark : 25" Ultimate Bruce Shark Maquette  200528051902458170Shark City Ozark : 25" Ultimate Bruce Shark Maquette  200528051905784579

      La date/heure actuelle est Jeu 12 Sep 2024, 23:48