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    HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13798
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue Empty HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue

    Message  doom Dim 22 Jan 2023, 11:57


    1:3 scale statue

    HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue Hal-jordan-deluxe-version_dc-comics_gallery_63ab6e304e413_lg

    HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue Hal-jordan-deluxe-version_dc-comics_gallery_63ab6e313a8ef_lg

    HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue Hal-jordan-deluxe-version_dc-comics_gallery_63ab6e4f91fd9_lg

    HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue Hal-jordan-deluxe-version_dc-comics_gallery_63ab6e5079b42_lg

    HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue Hal-jordan-deluxe-version_dc-comics_gallery_63ab6e51635a4_lg

    HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue Hal-jordan-deluxe-version_dc-comics_gallery_63ab6e51cc140_lg

    HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue Hal-jordan-deluxe-version_dc-comics_gallery_63ab6e5240566_lg

    HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue Hal-jordan-deluxe-version_dc-comics_gallery_63ab6e532eb87_lg

    HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue Hal-jordan-deluxe-version_dc-comics_gallery_63ab6e5399f40_lg

    HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue Hal-jordan-deluxe-version_dc-comics_gallery_63ab6e7674b2f_lg

    HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue Hal-jordan-deluxe-version_dc-comics_gallery_63ab6f50b5a6f_lg

    HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue Hal-jordan-deluxe-version_dc-comics_gallery_63ab6f51220fa_lg

    HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue Hal-jordan-deluxe-version_dc-comics_gallery_63ab6f6d1289b_lg

    HAL JORDAN (DELUXE VERSION) - 1:3 scale statue Hal-jordan-deluxe-bonus-version_dc-comics_gallery_63ab6fa81a7f7_lg

    Collector Edition : €1,430.05
    Deluxe Version : €1,525.07
    Deluxe Bonus Version : €1,639.10

    “In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night, No Evil Shall Escape My Sight. Let those who worship Evil’s Might, Beware my power: Green Lantern’s Light!” – Oath of The Green Lantern Corps
    Known throughout the galaxy as the protector of Space Sector 2814, this next superhero needs no introduction. Prime 1 Studio is incredibly proud to bring an amazing interpretation of the greatest Green Lantern of all time to our Museum Masterline Series: our 1:3 Scale Green Lantern Hal Jordan Deluxe Bonus Version from DC Comics!
    Prime 1 Studio brings you a breathtaking, verdant masterpiece of art and form! Stretching up at an impressive 38 inches tall, Green Lantern flies through an asteroid field, manifesting his pure Will through the green power ring energy, swirling all around him!
    As the duly appointed Green Lantern Corpsman of Sector 2814, Earthman Hal Jordan is cocky, and just a tiny bit arrogant, but endowed with all the skills, courage, and willpower to back up all that bravado. Ultimately, that’s what you need to wield a Green Lantern Power indomitable Force of Will. And Hal has loads of it!
    Prime 1 Studio’s skilled craftspeople have done an exquisite job with this bright and shiny DC Superhero. Full of contrasting blacks, dark grays, and bright greens, this statue is a spell-binding spectacle! The interwoven, sculptural aspects of Green Lantern’s pose and Power Ring energy complement each other in a breathtaking, space ballet that is a feast to the eyes.
    This fantastic Deluxe Bonus Version comes with four (4) swappable head parts for Hal. Collectors are bound to have a blast being able to display him with four different expressions on his face! And only when you pre-order this Deluxe Bonus Version will you receive a cool, extra Bonus Part: Hal can be partnered up with the Green Lantern of Sector 1014, Green Lantern B’dg!
    And as Hal Jordan is imbued with Green Lantern energy, so imbued is this statue with LED Illumination! Prime 1 Studio engineers have equipped this 1:3 Scale masterpiece with LED functionality in GL’s Power Ring, chest icon, Power Battery, and Base effects! Perfect to display in a dimly lit fan cave!
    Whether this is your first Green Lantern collectible or simply the next awesome addition to your DC Comics collectibles will not be disappointed in this exquisite emerald emissary from the stars!
    BrandDC ComicsManufacturerPrime 1 StudioTypeStatue 1:3 Scale StatueGenreComic Book Fantasy Sci-fi Pop Culture

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 25 Jan 2025, 15:01