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    IRON STUDIOS : Masters Of The Universe - Evil-Lyn 1:10 Scale Statue


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13798
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    IRON STUDIOS : Masters Of The Universe - Evil-Lyn 1:10 Scale Statue Empty IRON STUDIOS : Masters Of The Universe - Evil-Lyn 1:10 Scale Statue

    Message  doom Mer 4 Mai - 9:18


    Masters Of The Universe  
    1:10 Scale Statue

    IRON STUDIOS : Masters Of The Universe - Evil-Lyn 1:10 Scale Statue Color

    IRON STUDIOS : Masters Of The Universe - Evil-Lyn 1:10 Scale Statue 2_close

    IRON STUDIOS : Masters Of The Universe - Evil-Lyn 1:10 Scale Statue 5-6

    IRON STUDIOS : Masters Of The Universe - Evil-Lyn 1:10 Scale Statue 6-5

    IRON STUDIOS : Masters Of The Universe - Evil-Lyn 1:10 Scale Statue Measures-9


    Serving as second-in-command for an evil sorcerer and as her most mighty and intelligent accomplice, the feared witch casts her magic with her mystic staff and her right hand, both forming spiral nacreous energy beams. As powerful as she is a leader, she watches over her objectives with cold and confident eyes, waiting to take advantage of her master’s powers and rule planet Eternia one day. Wearing her
    , Evil-Lyn keeps loyally serving Skeletor as his second-in-command, but always hinted that one day she would usurp his position.       traditional clothes in the shape of a purple swimsuit with blue ornaments, violet boots with black ribbons, blue bracelets, and having her body covered by a black cape and her head protected by a black helmet with a crown in her suit’s colors, Iron Studios present the statue “Evil-Lyn BDS – Masters of the Universe – Art Scale 1/10”, the most feared enemy villainess of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, on a pedestal that refers to the evil lair on Snake Mountain.Fiercely ambitious and many times working independently from her master, the ruthless sorcerer Skeletor, creating her own schemes to conquer planet Eternia, for which she occasionally recruited other henchmen, Evil-Lyn can teleport, shoot magic blasts from her eyes and hands, control minds and conjure storms, besides being very skillful in disguising herself, many times tricking the heroic warriors. Daughter of the powerful sorcerer Faceless One, she met the warlord Keldor in his youth, with whom she forged an alliance. When he was gravely hurt while fighting against Captain Randor in the Hall of Wisdom, Evil-Lyn took Keldor to Hordak’s Sanctuary and witnessed his transformation into Skeletor. Despite her discomfortA collectible statue that works very well individually, as well as composing a diorama set next to her leader on his throne with the statue “Skeletor on Throne Deluxe – Masters of the Universe – Art Scale 1/10” (Available for Pre-Order), Evil-Lyn is another important Iron Studios’ figure on their MOTU Art Scale 1/10 line, presented on the Inside Iron Studios Day show on YouTube, and already available for Pre-Order. Check out, also in Pre-Order, the statues “Prince Adam – Masters of the Universe – Art Scale 1/10” and “Sorceress BDS – Masters of the Universe – Art Scale 1/10”, and the stylized Toy Art versions “He-Man – MOTU – MiniCo” and “Skeletor – MOTU – MiniCo” by Iron Studios. Soon more news from Masters of the Universe!

    Evil-Lyn BDS – Masters of the Universe – Art Scale 1/10
    License: MOTU
    Scale: 1/10
    – Limited edition
    – Based on original references
    – Made in polystone – *(may contain parts in resin, polystone, PVC, metal and fabric)
    – Hand painted
    Product dimensions: 11.8 in (H) x 6.7 in (W) x 6.7 in (D)
    Product Weight: 1.9 lbs
    UPC: 618231950560
    Release schedule: First quarter of 2023


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