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    Back to the Future II – DeLorean Time Machine 1/6 Scale Vehicle


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13798
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    Back to the Future II – DeLorean Time Machine 1/6 Scale Vehicle Empty Back to the Future II – DeLorean Time Machine 1/6 Scale Vehicle

    Message  doom Ven 18 Fév 2022, 18:04


    Back to the Future II  
    DeLorean Time Machine 
    1/6 Scale Vehicle

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    $TBD - Q2 Q3 2023

    Back to the Future II – DeLorean Time Machine 1/6th Scale Collectible Vehicle
    “Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” – Doc Brown
    The time-traveling duo Marty McFly and Dr. Emmett Brown hop in the DeLorean Time machine again and travel into the future to save Marty’s future son from disaster, only to return to discover their own time has somehow transformed completely.
    Inspired by the classic blockbuster, Back to the Future II, today Hot Toys is excited to present the iconic DeLorean Time Machine as 1/6th scale Collectible Vehicle with foldable wheels for hover mode.
    Crafted with impressive workmanship, the movie-accurate DeLorean Time Machine collectible vehicle measures 72cm long, displays an impressive amount of details including multiple LED light-up points on the exterior design and interior controls, signature gull-wing doors, foldable wheels for flight hover mode, real-like cable wires across exterior structure, detail recreation of the time machine engine deck and cabin controls, and a specially designed base for the hovering DeLorean Time Machine.
    Hit up to 88mph and pre-order this 1/6th scale DeLorean Time Machine collectible vehicle for your Time Travelling collection!
    – Product Code: MMS636
    – Product Name: DeLorean Time Machine
    – Height: Refer to details
    – Points of Articulations: 6
    – Special Features: Rotatable wheels can be folded and transform into a hovering Delorean Time Machine
    – Product Release Date: Approximately Q2 – Q3, 2023

    The 1/6th scale DeLorean Time Machine Collectible Vehicle specially features:
    – Authentically and detailed likeness of DeLorean Time Machine in Back to the Future II
    – Approximately 72cm L x 35cm W x 25cm H
    – Exterior styling features:
    – LED light up function designs on headlights & rear signal lights, wheel rims, undercarriage, and reactor cooling vents
    – Functional gull-wing doors
    – Rotatable wheels can be folded and transform into a hovering Delorean Time Machine
    – Real-like cable wires across body and detailed structure of the engine cover, including Mr. Fusion energy reactor, nuclear reactor and reactor cooling vents at the rear car body
    – Interior design features:
    – Cabin controls with LED light up function including dashboard, Time Circuits Display, overhead panels, flux capacitor, and system display
    – Two (2) seaters
    – Sized to fit with Marty McFly and Doc Brown 1/6th scale Collectible Figures

    – Specially designed vehicle base for flight hover mode display

    *Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different.
    **Light up function can be operated by USB power or battery.
    ***Battery not included for collectible. AA batteries required.
    **** USB connecting cable is not included for collectible, Micro USB cable is required.
    *****Product details could be subjected to change without further notice.

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 18 Jan 2025, 18:44