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    IRON STUDIOS : Zack Snyder’s Justice League – Knightmare Batman 1/10 Scale Statue


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13798
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    IRON STUDIOS : Zack Snyder’s Justice League – Knightmare Batman 1/10 Scale Statue Empty IRON STUDIOS : Zack Snyder’s Justice League – Knightmare Batman 1/10 Scale Statue

    Message  doom Ven 03 Déc 2021, 19:24


    Zack Snyder’s Justice League  
    Knightmare Batman 
    1/10 Scale Statue

    IRON STUDIOS : Zack Snyder’s Justice League – Knightmare Batman 1/10 Scale Statue 1-11

    IRON STUDIOS : Zack Snyder’s Justice League – Knightmare Batman 1/10 Scale Statue 2-12

    IRON STUDIOS : Zack Snyder’s Justice League – Knightmare Batman 1/10 Scale Statue 3-12

    IRON STUDIOS : Zack Snyder’s Justice League – Knightmare Batman 1/10 Scale Statue 4-12

    IRON STUDIOS : Zack Snyder’s Justice League – Knightmare Batman 1/10 Scale Statue 5-10

    IRON STUDIOS : Zack Snyder’s Justice League – Knightmare Batman 1/10 Scale Statue 6-9

    IRON STUDIOS : Zack Snyder’s Justice League – Knightmare Batman 1/10 Scale Statue 7-9

    IRON STUDIOS : Zack Snyder’s Justice League – Knightmare Batman 1/10 Scale Statue 9-8

    IRON STUDIOS : Zack Snyder’s Justice League – Knightmare Batman 1/10 Scale Statue Measures-11

    $159.99 - Third Quarter of 2022

    The Dark Knight’s Nightmare by Iron Studios!
    In an apocalyptic desert where it was once a planet full of life, a tired and cautious, but still relentless leader of an insurgent movement, walks in a devastated world, seeking by all means to end a long conflict against the conquering forces of a cosmic tyrant and his Kryptonian ally, who was once Earth’s greatest hero. Wearing an overcoat over a stiffer variation of his original costume, Iron Studios presents the “Knightmare Batman – Zack Snyder’s Justice League – Art Scale 1/10” statue, featuring the Dark Knight derived from the anthological scene presented in the film’s side plot Justice League, in director Zack Snyder’s version.
    In a possible alternative future, the cruel conqueror Darkseid was responsible for the death of journalist Lois Lane, Superman’s beloved wife, leaving the Man of Steel susceptible to the Anti-Life Equation, thus becoming an ally of the Apokolips forces and a tyrannical ruler of the planet. After being terraformed by the power of the Mother Boxes, Earth is ruled by a merciless and totalitarian Superman regime. Creating a rebel force called the Insurgency, Batman and his allies wage war against the overpowering and ruthless forces of the Man of Steel and his troops. With the help of Cyborg’s calculations, Flash was able to use his Cosmic Treadmill to travel back in time and alert Bruce Wayne of Darkseid’s dangers. This emphasized Batman’s importance in finding his allies and founding the Justice League, repelling Darkseid’s invading forces, led by Steppenwolf, something that could prevent this terrible future from happening.
    In response to thousands of requests from fans and collectors, this is another Iron Studios statue derived from Snyder’s Justice League version, which will also feature the already revealed “Superman Black Suit” and “Darkseid” Art Scale 1/10, and the versions styled “Superman Black” and “Batman Knightmare” MiniCo. With thirteen statues planned for this collection, there are still eight future ones to be revealed. Can you guess which other characters will be in this line-up? Lots of news coming soon on Iron Studios’ social media and its YouTube channel.
    Knightmare Batman – Zack Snyder’s Justice League – Art Scale 1/10

    – Limited edition
    – Based on original references
    – Made in polystone – *(may contain parts in resin, polystone, PVC, metal and fabric)
    – Hand painted
    – Product dimensions: 8.6 in (H) x 6.3 in (W) x 4.3 in (D)
    – Product Weight: 1.7 lbs
    – MSRP: USD $159.99 (American US Dollars)
    – Release schedule: Third quarter of 2022


      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 25 Jan 2025, 12:31