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PC Portable Gamer LENOVO LOQ 15” 144hz i5-12450HX -24Go/512Go – ...
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    Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Darth Maul 1/6 Scale Statue


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13798
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Darth Maul 1/6 Scale Statue Empty Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Darth Maul 1/6 Scale Statue

    Message  doom Jeu 07 Oct 2021, 12:55


    Star Wars: The Clone Wars  
    Darth Maul 
    1/6 Scale Statue

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Darth Maul 1/6 Scale Statue SW_DarthMaul_Milestone_01

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Darth Maul 1/6 Scale Statue SW_DarthMaul_Milestone_02

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Darth Maul 1/6 Scale Statue SW_DarthMaul_Milestone_03

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Darth Maul 1/6 Scale Statue SW_DarthMaul_Milestone_04

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Darth Maul 1/6 Scale Statue SW_DarthMaul_Milestone_05

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Darth Maul 1/6 Scale Statue SW_DarthMaul_Milestone_06

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Darth Maul 1/6 Scale Statue SW_DarthMaul_Milestone_07


    Let the battle begin! This 1/6 scale, approximately 12-inch statue depicts Darth Maul as he appears in Clone Wars Season 7, during his final battle with Ahsoka Tano. With his double-bladed lightsaber at the ready, the former Sith Lord and current ruler of Mandalore strikes a battle pose on a flame-scarred base. Limited to only 1000 pieces worldwide, this Milestones statue comes packaged in a full-color box with a numbered certificate of authenticity. Designed by Barry Bradfield, sculpted by Alejandro Pereira Ezcurra.


      La date/heure actuelle est Lun 20 Jan 2025, 21:01