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4 participants

    Wonder Woman 1/4 Scale Statue


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13794
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    Wonder Woman 1/4 Scale Statue Empty Wonder Woman 1/4 Scale Statue

    Message  doom Ven 09 Avr 2021, 08:09


    Wonder Woman 
    1/4 Scale Statue

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     $TBD - Q1 2021

    Pre-order Starts April 9th 2021 :00pm GMT+8
    Material: Polystone
    Size: 47cm (H) x 39cm (W) x 30cm (D)
    Edition Size: TBD
    Estimated Delivery Date: Q1 2022

    She has the looks of Aphrodite, packs a punch harder than Hercules and has the smarts of Athena. The Princess of Themyscira fights for hope in a world ruled by men. Wonder Woman is one of DC’s classic superheroes. She is a feminist icon for children and adults alike. Diana, an emissary from Themyscira. Heads to “Man’s world” to help destroy evil and try to create a reality where life can exist without war, hate or violence.

    As we celebrate 80 years of this incredible character, the Queen Studios team decided that it would be fitting to bring Wonder Woman to life in a quarter scale statue inspired by both DC Comics and the DCEU. For the 1/4 Wonder Woman statue, collectors can enjoy a dynamic statue with two head sculpts. The first a hyper real representation of Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot. The Second with a head sculpt straight out of the comics.

    Our team have taken aspects from both the movie and the comics. The colours used, are taken from the classic comic. But the textures of Diana’s armour are from the movie. The princess is leaning on her right leg, stood on a toppled Greek column. She’s facing forward and preparing for an attack. Her lasso is spiralling around her body as if she is ready to capture her enemy.

    le Gardien
    le Gardien

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 21407
    Age : 61
    Date d'inscription : 10/12/2008

    Wonder Woman 1/4 Scale Statue Empty Re: Wonder Woman 1/4 Scale Statue

    Message  le Gardien Ven 09 Avr 2021, 16:48

    pouce Franchement sculpture et peinture,, c'est le top de la qualité !! affraid

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    Marvel Wars
    Marvel Wars
    Complétiste collector
    Complétiste collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 2593
    Age : 33
    Localisation : Dans mon monde
    Date d'inscription : 07/02/2014

    Wonder Woman 1/4 Scale Statue Empty Re: Wonder Woman 1/4 Scale Statue

    Message  Marvel Wars Ven 09 Avr 2021, 23:39

    Ouep elle est juste magnifique !! prosterne
    Rédacteur / Editor
    Rédacteur / Editor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 6581
    Age : 57
    Localisation : Cimmerie
    Date d'inscription : 11/02/2009

    Wonder Woman 1/4 Scale Statue Empty Re: Wonder Woman 1/4 Scale Statue

    Message  BBLACKWOLF Sam 10 Avr 2021, 08:37

    Juste superbe affraid

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    Wonder Woman 1/4 Scale Statue Empty Re: Wonder Woman 1/4 Scale Statue

    Message  Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Mer 11 Déc 2024, 14:51