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    QUEEN STUDIOS : Avengers: Infinity War – Vision Life Size Bust


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    QUEEN STUDIOS : Avengers: Infinity War – Vision Life Size Bust Empty QUEEN STUDIOS : Avengers: Infinity War – Vision Life Size Bust

    Message  doom Jeu 01 Avr 2021, 19:34


    Avengers: Infinity War  
    Life Size Bust

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    Avengers: Infinity War – Vision Life Size Bust


    Deposit: $300
    Full Price: $1,065

    Material: Polystone
    Size: 74.5cm (H) x 40.5m (W) x 37.5cm (D)
    Edition Size: 398
    Estimated Delivery Date: Q1 2022

    “Well… I was born yesterday” ―Vision

    The superhuman android known as Vision was created by Ultron, in Doctor Helen Cho’s Regeneration Cradle in Avengers: Age of Ultron. But it was Tony Stark and Bruce Banner that gave him life. An amalgamation of Stark’s AI, J.A.R.V.I.S, Wakandan Vibranium and the Mind Stone. Each part acts as a cog to the machine that is Vision. The AI his personality, the Vibranium his body, and the Mind Stone the lifeblood that powers him.

    Since then, Vision has been a crucial member of the team, and one of the most popular characters co-starring in the WandaVision TV show.
    To celebrate this incredible character, the Queen Studios team has crafted this limited edition 1/1 collectible bust.

    To make the 1/1 Vision Bust so life-like, our design team have accounted for every minute detail. Through trial and error, they have formulated a movie accurate crimson finish with straight lined detailing to make it look like he was created not by man, but by machine. Though this is time-consuming, it is worth every second. The crimson body panels create a contrast against Vision’s teal suit with dulled silver edges. While the base is black with golden accents and has been kept minimal to represent the simple yet logical nature of the character.

      La date/heure actuelle est Mar 10 Déc 2024, 13:35