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    QUEEN STUDIOS : Avengers: Endgame – Iron Spider 1/4 Scale Statue


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    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    QUEEN STUDIOS : Avengers: Endgame – Iron Spider 1/4 Scale Statue Empty QUEEN STUDIOS : Avengers: Endgame – Iron Spider 1/4 Scale Statue

    Message  doom Mer 03 Mar 2021, 19:28


    Avengers: Endgame  
    Iron Spider 
    1/4 Scale Statue

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    Regular Edition $730 - Premium Edition $875 , Deluxe Edition  $1,055 -  Q4 2021

    Avengers: Endgame – Iron Spider 1/4 Scale Statue
    Material: Polystone
    Size: 51cm (H) x 44cm (W) x 38cm (D)

    Regular Edition: Masked head sculpt with blue lens and red “instant-kill mode” lens

    Premium Edition: Masked head sculpt + switch-out arm and Infinity Gauntlet
    Deluxe Edition: Masked head sculpt + switch-out arm and Infinity Gauntlet + Tom Holland head sculpt
    The Iron Spider Armor, also known as Item 17A is Peter Parker’s most advanced suit yet. The armor made a brief appearance in Marvel studio’s 2017 Spider-man Homecoming. The Iron Spider Armor was offered to Parker by Stark at after his battle with The Vulture. Its design is a nod to Ben Reilly’s Spider-Man. With the addition of a golden trim, Spider-legs, and other fantastic features.

    Spidey is young and still in high school, and most of the time, all this new and advanced Stark technology seems way above his pay grade, that is, if he gets paid. It’s clear from all the hiccups when using the armor, he sometimes doesn’t know what he is doing. As a reminder that Spidey is still a teenage high school science-whizz, we’ve decided to do the unthinkable and unmask Spider-Man. Our Iron Spider Armor ¼ Polyresin Statue comes with Two replacement heads. Both have their own appeal. The masked sculpt made from the Iron Spider armor features the original blue lenses. With an Instant-Kill mode red lens option built in. The final head is a life like replica of Peter Parker’s head, he is facing forward, waiting for what’s next.

    The pose and concept for the 1/4 Iron Spider-Man is inspired by one of our favourite scenes in Avengers: Endgame. As Parker is holding Stark’s Infinity Gauntlet in the final battle. He becomes overwhelmed by his enemies. The web-slinger activates Item 17A’s Instant-Kill mode and the suit engages. His eyes turn red and four extendible legs emerge from his back slaying anything and everything that attacks him.

    Like the armour in the movie, the suit features the iconic Spidey red & blue, with a gold trim, which contrasts perfectly against the jagged space rock below.
    The regular edition features Iron Spider-Man with his arm lifted and ready to fight. While the Premium and Deluxe editions include Stark’s Infinity Gauntlet.
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