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    QUEEN STUDIOS : Avengers: Endgame – THANOS Life Size Bust


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13794
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    QUEEN STUDIOS : Avengers: Endgame – THANOS Life Size Bust Empty QUEEN STUDIOS : Avengers: Endgame – THANOS Life Size Bust

    Message  doom Jeu 21 Jan 2021, 20:52


    Avengers: Endgame  
    Life Size Bust

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    Avengers: Endgame – Thanos Life Size Bust
    The Mad Titan returns and he’s bigger and badder than before! That’s right the incredible new half body Thanos life-size bust is available for pre-order today.
    With an edition of only 99, this behemoth of a bust is is expected to sell out quickly.
    We know you might not have space in your collection for this humongous bust, but if you do, it’s time to start creating a new floor plan for your man cave!
    As always, we’re keen to hear your thoughts.
    Thanks for your support and please stay safe!
    Edition Size: 99
    Price: $ 6450 USD
    Material: Polystone, Internal Lighting (Infinity Stones light up)
    Size: 113cm (H) x 122cm (W) x 108cm (D)
    Estimated Delivery Date: Quarter 1 2022

    Mainland China
    Hong Kong
    South Korea
    South East Asia


      La date/heure actuelle est Mer 11 Déc 2024, 17:55