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    Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Ahsoka Tano - Legends in 3-Dimensions 1/2 Bust


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13782
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Ahsoka Tano - Legends in 3-Dimensions 1/2 Bust Empty Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Ahsoka Tano - Legends in 3-Dimensions 1/2 Bust

    Message  doom Sam 02 Jan 2021, 12:56


    Star Wars: The Clone Wars  
    Ahsoka Tano  
    Legends in 3-Dimensions 1/2 Bust

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Ahsoka Tano - Legends in 3-Dimensions 1/2 Bust RGB_2589_-_Diamond_Select__53811.1608087664
    Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Ahsoka Tano - Legends in 3-Dimensions 1/2 Bust RGB_2591_-_Diamond_Select__58700.1608087663

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Ahsoka Tano - Legends in 3-Dimensions 1/2 Bust RGB_2593_-_Diamond_Select__99318.1608087661


    She’s one of the most popular characters in Star Wars fandom, and now Ahsoka Tano is a Legend in 3D! This approximately 10-inch bust captures the Jedi Knight in ½ scale, atop a sculpted, lightsaber-inspired pedestal. Limited to only 1,000 pieces, she features detailed sculpting and paint applications, and comes packaged in a numbered, full-color box with a certificate of authenticity.


      La date/heure actuelle est Mar 12 Nov 2024, 00:40