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    QUEEN STUDIOS : IRON MAN MARK 50 1/2 statue


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13794
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    QUEEN STUDIOS : IRON MAN MARK 50 1/2 statue Empty QUEEN STUDIOS : IRON MAN MARK 50 1/2 statue

    Message  doom Sam 26 Déc 2020, 10:03


    1/2 statue

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    PRICE: $ 2,165 USD

    Material: Polystone
    Size: 116cm (H) x 66cm (W) x 60cm (D)
    Estimated Delivery Date: Quarter 1 2022

    The Mark 50 is Tony Stark's fiftieth Iron Man armor. More advanced than his previous iterations, the armor is the first to use advanced nanotechnology. The new nano-tech allows Tony suit up in a matter of seconds, as well as manifest an array of new weaponry and gadets to battle Thanos and his followers.

    The Queen Studios 1/2 Iron Man Mark 50 is carefully crafted to create a movie accurate collectible statue based on the 50th Iron Man armor from the Avengers 3: Infinity War.
    The statue includes incredible detail throughout, with a unique focus on the sculpt and paint.
    The pose is strong and heroic with Iron Man looking forward, nano-booster wings open, and fists clenched ready to take on the Mad Titan!

    The 1/2 scale MK50 can be displayed with or without the nano-booster wings, depending on prefference and space. And also features LED lights scattrered throughout the armor as well as in the eyes and ark reactor. Perfect for display in your man cave!
    As always, Queen Studios we'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks for your support and please stay safe!

      La date/heure actuelle est Mer 11 Déc 2024, 14:10