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    Star Wars: The Clone Wars – 1/6th scale Coruscant Guard Collectible Figure


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13794
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars – 1/6th scale Coruscant Guard Collectible Figure Empty Star Wars: The Clone Wars – 1/6th scale Coruscant Guard Collectible Figure

    Message  doom Lun 12 Oct 2020, 21:04


    Star Wars: The Clone Wars  
    Coruscant Guard 
    1/6th scale Collectible Figure

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    Q4, 2021 – Q1, 2022

    Hot Toys – [TMS025] – Star Wars: The Clone Wars – 1/6th scale Coruscant Guard Collectible Figure
    – Authentic and detailed likeness of Coruscant Guard in Star Wars: The Clone Wars
    – Newly developed Coruscant Guard helmet with weathering effects
    – Body with over 30 points of articulations
    – Approximately 30 cm tall
    – Eight (Cool pieces of interchangeable gloved hands including:
    – One (1) pair of blaster holding hands
    – One (1) pair of baton holding hands
    – One (1) pair of relaxed hands
    – One (1) pair of gesture hands

    – One (1) newly crafted Coruscant Guard armor with red details and weathering effects
    – One (1) red colored belt
    – One (1) black colored under-suit
    – One (1) pair of red colored boots with weathering effects

    – One (1) blaster rifle
    – One (1) blaster pistol
    – One (1) electrostaff

    – Two (2) electricity effect accessories (attachable to the electrostaff)
    – Two (2) thermal detonators
    – Specially designed figure stand with Star Wars logo and character nameplate

    **Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
    **Product details could be subjected to change without further notice


      La date/heure actuelle est Lun 09 Déc 2024, 14:02