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    QUEEN STUDIOS : Wonder Woman 1984. The Golden Armor Wonder Woman 1/4 Scale Statue


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    QUEEN STUDIOS : Wonder Woman 1984. The Golden Armor Wonder Woman 1/4 Scale Statue Empty QUEEN STUDIOS : Wonder Woman 1984. The Golden Armor Wonder Woman 1/4 Scale Statue

    Message  doom Lun 12 Oct 2020, 18:23


    Wonder Woman 1984
    The Golden Armor Wonder Woman 
    1/4 Scale Statue

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    $TBD -  release TBD

    In 1984, during the Cold War, Diana returns to face two new enemies of mankind, Maxwell Lord and Cheetah. This time however, Wonder Woman has a new look as she exchanges the WWI armour, for the majestic “Golden Eagle Armor” to battle her formidable foes.

    The Queen Studios Wonder Woman 1:4 statue is painstakingly crafted to create a movie accurate depiction of Diana in her new golden suit of armour. To pose shows the Amazonian warrior with her arms raised, her golden wings pointing to the sky and a calm yet confident expression. Our artists have worked hard on every aspect of this limited edition collectible. From the fine detailing in the contours of the armour, to the paint and finish which brings the character to life.

    The final Wonder Woman statue will include two versions of head sculpt. The standard version features a Gal Gadot’s sculpt with full likeness wearing the Golden Eagle helmet. While the premium version features a portrait with Gal Gadot’s full likeness and long flowing hair.

    The Queen Studios team are proud to share the final images of the 1:4 Wonder Woman with you, and we appreciate your feedback and suggestions.
    We will keep working on the face sculpt and we’ll try our best to make the Wonder Woman as perfect as we can.

      La date/heure actuelle est Mar 10 Déc 2024, 13:43