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    Queen Studios : The Dark Knight – Batman 1/3 Scale Statue


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13794
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    Queen Studios : The Dark Knight – Batman 1/3 Scale Statue Empty Queen Studios : The Dark Knight – Batman 1/3 Scale Statue

    Message  doom Lun 13 Juil 2020, 11:50


    The Dark Knight 
    1/3 Scale Statue

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    Batman Regular Edition : $1,149.99
    Batman Premium Edition : $1,299.99
    Batman Deluxe Edition : TBD

    With the successful delivery of the Queen Studios 1:3 Heath Ledger Joker, the 1:3 Dark Knight Batman has finally arrived, ready to fight the Joker and save Gotham City.

    Bruce Wayne is known around Gotham City as a wealthy playboy philanthropist, and owner of Wayne Enterprises. But he’s not the average billionaire.
    After witnessing the death of his parents at the tender age of 8, Bruce embarked on a journey to gain insight into the criminal psyche. He soon became a master tactician and excelled in his combat training under the tutelage of Ra’s al Ghul. On his return to Gotham, he set out to rid the city of crime and corruption as his alter ego Batman. Despite his success, he faces an even bigger test. He has to save the city from a psychotic anarchist mastermind known as, The Joker.

    The 1:3 Dark Knight Batman is expertly crafted out of polystone and comes with three unique head sculpts. A Cowl head sculpt, a head sculpt with Christian Bale’s likeness with sculpted hair, and a Christian Bale head sculpt with artificial hair.

    There will be two versions of the base:
    The first base will come with the 1:3 Dark Knight Batman statue, and will allow the statue to be displayed alone.
    The second base will give collectors the option to display the Dark Knight Batman with the Heath Ledger Joker.
    Both statues have been designed as stand alone pieces, but you can also recreate the famous interrogation scene from the Dark Knight movie.
    In order to offer more choice for collectors, there will be three versions of the statue.
    1. Standard Edition: Batman Cowl head sculpt
    2. Premium Edition: Batman Cowl head sculpt + Christian Bale likeness head sculpt with sculpted hair
    3. Deluxe Edition: Head sculpt with the Cowl + Christian Bale likeness head sculpt with artificial hair

    And the head sculpt in the final images is not the final version, we are still working on it to make it as best as we can.
    The head sculpts shown in the official photos will not be the final version. As always, we will continue to improve the statue for the final production piece.
    Also, will share more updates soon.


      La date/heure actuelle est Mer 11 Déc 2024, 16:51