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    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men – Marvel Legends Sentinel


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13794
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men – Marvel Legends Sentinel Empty HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men – Marvel Legends Sentinel

    Message  doom Dim 12 Juil 2020, 10:24


    Marvel Legends
    Marvel Legends Sentinel

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men – Marvel Legends Sentinel Haslab10

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    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men – Marvel Legends Sentinel Haslab17



    This 26.3-inch (669 mm) Sentinel figure is the biggest Marvel Legends figure ever made, with its frame comprised of 260 individual pieces.
    It has 72 points of articulation — 20 in each hand alone — which means it’s incredibly poseable and will look awesome in any display.
    We also included LEDs in the head and chest, so that the menacing glow of the Sentinels eyes and power source really shines through. It also comes with a Sentinel “tentacle” accessory, which attaches to its palm and is perfect to wrap around an unsuspecting Marvel Legends X-Men figure.
    The Bastion figure 6-inch figure has 30 points of articulation and also comes with an alternate Sentinel Prime head.


    We’ve been hoping to make this project a reality for a long time and now, with your help, we hope to do just that.
    Sentinels have been a part of the X-Men story since their first appearance in X-Men #14 (1965). From the MK I model built by Bolivar Trask to the menacing figures of modern comic storylines, Sentinels have been one of the most dangerous foes of the X-Men. And we wanted to reflect that towering and intimidating presence into the Marvel Legends line. 
    Along with the Sentinel figure, we’re including a 6-inch Bastion figure to represent the humanoid face of the Sentinels. Bastion was created when Sentinel Master Mold absorbed the Sentinel prototype Nimrod. The X-Men forced it through the portal known as Siege Perilous and Bastion emerged: a human/Sentinel hybrid that eventually became as anti-mutant as the original Sentinels. And if you followed all that, this is the HasLab project for you.
    We need to hit 6,000 backers to fully fund this project. But we don’t want to stop there. For each 1,000 additional backers, we’ll unlock more marvelous stuff for every single backer. We can’t tell you what those are just yet, but we have big plans… 
    Its body a towering, technological marvel, the Sentinel scans the world for its quarry, a searching light emanating from its chest, its glowing eyes a warning… and a threat. Programmed with only one objective, to destroy all mutant life on Earth, the Sentinel will not hesitate, will not falter, and will never ever stop hunting.
    Rising from the pages of Marvel comics, appearing in everything from cartoons to movies to video games, the Sentinel is as a monumental part of Marvel lore, an iconic enemy of the X-Men, and, now, the first-ever Marvel Legends HasLab project.
    Hasbro Pulse invites you to join us in bringing this project to life, with all the features and detailing you know and love from the Marvel Legends 6-inch line:

    • 26.3-inch (669 mm) Sentinel figure
    • LEDs in the head and chest (2x AAA batteries required, not included)
    • 18-inch Sentinel “tentacle” accessory
    • Marvel Legends 6-inch Bastion figure with 6-Inch alternate Sentinel Prime head
    • Marvel Insider Points Redemption code (70,000 points per purchase, limit 2 code redemptions per account) & X-Men #14 (1963) digital comic to read in the Marvel Comics app (available in iOS and Android). Open to US residents 18+. Terms apply.
    • Tier 1 UNLOCK: Marvel Legends Master Mold alternate head accessory

    This crowdfund project will run from July 10th, 2020 to 11:59pm ET on August 24th, 2020. If successful, the project will begin shipping around Fall 2021.

    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 28702
    Age : 52
    Localisation : NOWHERE
    Date d'inscription : 06/02/2009

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men – Marvel Legends Sentinel Empty Re: HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men – Marvel Legends Sentinel

    Message  ynko Dim 12 Juil 2020, 17:20

    la plus chère des marvel legends; elle est en préco ici pour 499$

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13794
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men – Marvel Legends Sentinel Empty Re: HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men – Marvel Legends Sentinel

    Message  doom Lun 13 Juil 2020, 11:28

    On Friday, Hasbro launched a HasLab crowdfunding campaign for a massive X-Men Marvel Legends Sentinel. The Sentinel will stand over 26″ tall, and will include a 6″ scale Bastion figure, and a Sentinel Tentacle. The campaign was fully funded within hours, and has since passed 8,000 backers. With passing the funding milestone, and hitting the 8,000 backer mark, Hasbro has added new accessories to the figure. the first is a Master Mold head sculpt for the Sentinel, and the second is a battle damaged head sculpt and damaged hand! the next accessory will be revealed after they hit 9,000 backers, which will likely happen within the next day or so. The figure is priced at $349.99. Fans have until August 24th to get their orders in. It has a planned ship date in Fall 2021.

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men – Marvel Legends Sentinel Sentin52

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men – Marvel Legends Sentinel Sentin53
    X-Men Legends Marvel’s Sentinel
    Its body a towering, technological marvel, the Sentinel scans the world for its quarry, a searching light emanating from its chest, its glowing eyes a warning… and a threat. Programmed with only one objective, to destroy all mutant life on Earth, the Sentinel will not hesitate, will not falter, and will never ever stop hunting.
    Rising from the pages of Marvel comics, appearing in everything from cartoons to movies to video games, the Sentinel is as a monumental part of Marvel lore, an iconic enemy of the X-Men, and, now, the first-ever Marvel Legends HasLab project.
    Hasbro Pulse invites you to join us in bringing this project to life, with all the features and detailing you know and love from the Marvel Legends 6-inch line:

    • 26.3-inch (669 mm) Sentinel figure
    • LEDs in the head and chest (2x AAA batteries required, not included)
    • 18-inch Sentinel “tentacle” accessory
    • Marvel Legends 6-inch Bastion figure with 6-Inch alternate Sentinel Prime head
    • Marvel Insider Points Redemption code (70,000 points per purchase, limit 2 code redemptions per account) & X-Men #14 (1963) digital comic to read in the Marvel Comics app (available in iOS and Android). Open to US residents 18+. Terms apply.

    This crowdfund project will run from July 10th, 2020 to 11:59pm ET on August 24th, 2020. If successful, the project will begin shipping around Fall 2021.

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    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men – Marvel Legends Sentinel Empty Re: HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men – Marvel Legends Sentinel

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      La date/heure actuelle est Mer 11 Déc 2024, 07:02