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    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - 80th Anniversary Stan Lee - 2019


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13794
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - 80th Anniversary Stan Lee - 2019 Empty HASBRO : Marvel Legends - 80th Anniversary Stan Lee - 2019

    Message  doom Lun 28 Oct 2019, 21:04


    Marvel Legends 
    80th Anniversary
    Stan Lee 

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - 80th Anniversary Stan Lee - 2019 Stan_l10

    Product Description

    With over 80 years of comic book history, Marvel has become a cornerstone of fan collections around the world. With the Marvel Legends Series, fan favorite Marvel Comic Universe and Marvel Cinematic Universe characters are designed with premium detail and articulation for top-of-the-line poseable and displayable collectibles. This 80th anniversary Marvel Legends Stan Lee cameo figure is inspired by the legend's cameo as a chess player in The Avengers film. It features Stan Lee with a chess board and a Captain America shield with his name scrawled across the front.

    Product Features

    • 6 inches (15.24cm)
    • Made of plastic
    • Celebrating 80 years of Marvel
    • Inspired by Stan Lee's cameo as a skeptical chess player in Marvel's The Avengers
    • Highly poseable action figure

    Box Contents

    • Stan Lee figure
    • Shield
    • Chess board

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - 80th Anniversary Stan Lee - 2019 Stan_l11

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - 80th Anniversary Stan Lee - 2019 Stan_l12

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - 80th Anniversary Stan Lee - 2019 Stan_l13


      La date/heure actuelle est Mer 11 Déc 2024, 06:58