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    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men Days of Future Past Amazon Exclusive - 2018


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13794
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men Days of Future Past Amazon Exclusive - 2018 Empty HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men Days of Future Past Amazon Exclusive - 2018

    Message  doom Lun 28 Oct 2019, 20:35


    Marvel Legends
    X-Men Days of Future Past
    Amazon Exclusive 

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men Days of Future Past Amazon Exclusive - 2018 Days_o10

    Hasbro Marvel Legends Series X-Men Days of Future Past 16" Electronic Sentinel and 6" Wolverine Figure (Amazon Exclusive)

    MARVEL COMICS SENTINEL AND WOLVERINE FIGURES. Collector 2-pack including 16-inch Electronic Sentinel figure with sounds and phrases and 6-inch scale Wolverine figure with premium articulation
    [*]INSPIRED BY UNCANNY X-MEN COMICS. Collector figures inspired by the Days of Future Past timeline from the Uncanny X-Men comics (issues 141-142). Comic book not available
    [*]PREMIUM ARTICULATION AND COLLECTOR DESIGN. Marvel Legends Series figures feature premium design and articulation for different poses and display in fan collections
    [*]INCLUDES WOLVERINE ACCESSORIES. X-Men Days of Future Past collector 2-pack includes 1 set of alternate Wolverine hands and a pistol accessory
    [*]UNCANNY X-MEN COLLECTOR PACKAGE. Fans can recognize some of the iconic moments from the Uncanny X-Men Days of Future Past comic arc with premium packaging featuring original comic art (comic book not available)

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men Days of Future Past Amazon Exclusive - 2018 Days_o11

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men Days of Future Past Amazon Exclusive - 2018 Days_o12

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - X-Men Days of Future Past Amazon Exclusive - 2018 Days_o13


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