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OCEANIC – Table de cuisson induction 3 foyers L60 x P52 cm
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    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Raft SDCC Exclusive Action Figure 6-Pack Set - 2016


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13794
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Raft SDCC Exclusive Action Figure 6-Pack Set - 2016 Empty HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Raft SDCC Exclusive Action Figure 6-Pack Set - 2016

    Message  doom Dim 27 Oct 2019, 20:27


    Marvel Legends 
    The Raft
    SDCC Exclusive Action Figure
    6-Pack Set 

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Raft SDCC Exclusive Action Figure 6-Pack Set - 2016 The_ra10

    When Purple Man attempts to break out of The Raft a prison that houses some of the most notorious criminals in the world its up to Spider-Man to secure the facility and keep the bad guys behind bars.
    This 6-inch, 6-figure collection of Marvel Legends figures includes 5 of the baddest villains in the Marvel Universe, so kids and collectors alike can imagine the epic showdown of Spidey versus some of the worlds most powerful inmates. Each figure features multiple points of articulation and a highly detailed design, making a set so awesome that its practically criminal.

    Le pack comprend :

    • Spider-Man
    • Sandman
    • Dreadknight
    • Abomination
    • Enchantress
    • Purple Man

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Raft SDCC Exclusive Action Figure 6-Pack Set - 2016 The_ra11

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Raft SDCC Exclusive Action Figure 6-Pack Set - 2016 The_ra12

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Raft SDCC Exclusive Action Figure 6-Pack Set - 2016 The_ra13

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Raft SDCC Exclusive Action Figure 6-Pack Set - 2016 The_ra14

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Raft SDCC Exclusive Action Figure 6-Pack Set - 2016 The_ra15

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Raft SDCC Exclusive Action Figure 6-Pack Set - 2016 The_ra16

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Raft SDCC Exclusive Action Figure 6-Pack Set - 2016 The_ra17


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