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    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Collector's Vault SDCC Exclusive - 2016


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13794
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Collector's Vault SDCC Exclusive - 2016 Empty HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Collector's Vault SDCC Exclusive - 2016

    Message  doom Dim 27 Oct 2019, 19:55


    Marvel Legends 
    The Collector's Vault
    SDCC Exclusive

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Collector's Vault SDCC Exclusive - 2016 The_co10

    The galaxys most impressive museum of intergalactic oddities and entities are inside The Collectors vault! Filled with living exhibits and ancient artifacts, The Collectors vault is an ever-evolving tribute to a life of curiosity, exploration, and intrigue, all while discovering the universes most bizarre and otherworldly treasures.
    This 3.75-inch, 5-figure collection of Marvel Legends figures includes 5 of the most mysterious and distinct figures and artifacts in the Marvel Universe, including: The Collector, Howard the Duck, Marvels Cosmo, Lockjaw, and Moon Boy figures, and Key of the Zodiac, Casket of Ancient Winters, and Wand of Watoomb artifacts. With The Collectors vault, kids and collectors of all ages can imagine their own museum of interstellar wonders!

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Collector's Vault SDCC Exclusive - 2016 The_co11

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Collector's Vault SDCC Exclusive - 2016 The_co12

    HASBRO : Marvel Legends - The Collector's Vault SDCC Exclusive - 2016 The_co13


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