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2 participants

    Captain Jack Sparrow

    Rédacteur / Editor
    Rédacteur / Editor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1439
    Age : 40
    Localisation : la montagne corse
    Date d'inscription : 04/02/2009

    Captain Jack Sparrow  Empty Captain Jack Sparrow

    Message  greg28 Mar 16 Mai 2017, 15:16

    Captain Jack Sparrow


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    The 1/6th scale Captain Jack Sparrow Collectible Figure’s special features:
    - Authentic and detailed likeness of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
    - Approximately 30 cm tall
    - Body with over 30 points of articulation
    - Highly detailed hair sculpture with fabric hair implantation, new accessories, and red bandana
    - Two (2) interchangeable faces with patented Interchangeable Faces Techniques (IFT), separate rolling eyeballs, real-like beard and plaits on chin
    - Seven (7) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
    - One (1) pair of hands for holding flintlock pistol
    - One (1) pair of hand for holding sword or scabbard
    - One (1) pair of hands showing his iconic gestures
    - One (1) index finger pointing right hand
    - Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted

    Costume :
    - One (1) leather-like detachable brown-colored hat
    - One (1) piece of cream-colored long-sleeved shirt
    - One (1) blue and brown colored patterned vest
    - One (1) dark brown coat
    - One (1) pair of dark brown pants
    - One (1) dark brown belt
    - One (1) light brown belt
    - One (1) snakeskin leather-like belt
    - One (1) dark brown leather-like patterned shoulder band with saber sheath
    - One (1) pair of brown boots

    - One (1) saber
    - One (1) knife
    - Two (2) flintlock pistols

    - One (1) scarf
    - One (1) fake-fur
    - One (1) small batch of fabric hair on belt
    - One (1) compass
    - One (1) short tube telescope
    - One (1) head sculpt of his mother with gold-color ornaments
    - One (1) duck’s foot sculpture
    - One (1) rum bottle
    - One (1) Jack Sparrow warrant poster
    - Two (2) wrist bands of different styles
    - The Black Pearl in a clear bottle
    - Specially designed pirate themed diorama figure stand with translucent ocean water effect, dead shark, and parts of a ship
    Rédacteur / Editor
    Rédacteur / Editor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 18806
    Age : 48
    Date d'inscription : 08/06/2009

    Captain Jack Sparrow  Empty Re: Captain Jack Sparrow

    Message  Logan Mar 16 Mai 2017, 15:21

    On va dire encore un ! mais celui ci a de belles améliorations par rapport aux précédents, les vrais cheveux, les expressions des visages, c'est génial.
    Le socle me plait beaucoup drunken

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    Rédacteur / Editor
    Rédacteur / Editor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1439
    Age : 40
    Localisation : la montagne corse
    Date d'inscription : 04/02/2009

    Captain Jack Sparrow  Empty Re: Captain Jack Sparrow

    Message  greg28 Mar 16 Mai 2017, 15:27


    il y a même le système pour faire bouger les yeux.
     manque juste un bateau lol

    Contenu sponsorisé

    Captain Jack Sparrow  Empty Re: Captain Jack Sparrow

    Message  Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 18 Jan 2025, 19:04