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3 participants

    ALIEN VS PREDATOR : Alien Girl

    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 4956
    Age : 46
    Localisation : frontière franco-suisse
    Date d'inscription : 17/04/2015

    ALIEN VS PREDATOR : Alien Girl Empty ALIEN VS PREDATOR : Alien Girl

    Message  binuch Mar 24 Nov 2015, 08:02

    Alien Girl

    After a hiatus of our Hot Angel Series which features sexy female characters in highly detailed outfits, Hot Toys is excited to officially present today the latest additional to this series - the 1/6th scale Alien Girl Collectible figure!

    The AVP- inspired Alien Girl is an original character designed by Hong Kong multimedia artist Mr. Elphonso Lam*. Her appearance is a unique combination of the stylistic Xenomorph and a sensuous human girl!

    The Alien Girl collectible figure stands approximate 29 cm tall. She features a head sculpt with translucent carapace and two styles of interchangeable face sculpts, finely sculpted and realistically painted Alien skin texture throughout the newly developed body, a cannon blaster, and a sophisticatedly crafted Alien Queen diorama figure base!

    Alien fans don’t miss the chance to add this uniquely designed collectible figure to your collection!

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    The 1/6th scale Alien Girl Collectible Figure specially features:

    - Original character creation designed by Hong Kong multimedia artist Elphonso Lam
    - Unique combination of Alien and human character design
    - Head sculpt with translucent carapace and two styles (realistic and caricature) of interchangeable face sculpts
    - Newly developed body with over 28 points of articulations
    - Finely sculpted and realistically painted Alien skin texture throughout the body
    - Approximately 29 cm tall
    - One (1) articulated Alien tail
    - Four (4) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
    - One (1) pair of relaxed hands
    - One (1) pair of hands for holding weapon
    - Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted

    - One (1) finely crafted cannon blaster

    - Specially-sculpted Alien Queen diorama figure stand


    - Character Designed by Elphonso Lam
    - Sculpted by Joseph Tsang & Viva Lai
    - Head Painted by JC. Hong
    - Head Art Directed by Viva Lai

    Release date: Q3 – Q4, 2016

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    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 48267
    Age : 53
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    ALIEN VS PREDATOR : Alien Girl Empty Re: ALIEN VS PREDATOR : Alien Girl

    Message  darthstitch Mar 24 Nov 2015, 08:32

    Une bishoujo, ah non! ce n'est pas koto ALIEN VS PREDATOR : Alien Girl 2426548061

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    le Gardien
    le Gardien

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 21407
    Age : 61
    Date d'inscription : 10/12/2008

    ALIEN VS PREDATOR : Alien Girl Empty Re: ALIEN VS PREDATOR : Alien Girl

    Message  le Gardien Mar 24 Nov 2015, 09:55

    confused moqueur

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    ALIEN VS PREDATOR : Alien Girl Empty Re: ALIEN VS PREDATOR : Alien Girl

    Message  Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 18 Jan 2025, 17:49