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    ALIEN VS PREDATOR - ANCIENT PREDATOR summer convention exclusive


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13798
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    ALIEN VS PREDATOR - ANCIENT PREDATOR summer convention exclusive Empty ALIEN VS PREDATOR - ANCIENT PREDATOR summer convention exclusive

    Message  doom Mer 02 Juil 2014, 21:57


    Summer convention Exclusive 2014
    1/6 scale figure

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    Prix de sortie: $TBD
    Date de sortie: Q3-Q4 2014
    Nombre d'exemplaire:TBD
    Artistes :Head Sculpted by N/A
    Head Painted by N/A
    Head Art Directed by N/A

    The 1:6th scale MMS250 Ancient Predator figure features:

    - Authentic and detailed likeness of Ancient Predator in the Alien vs. Predator movie
    - Realistic and accurate 1/6th scale of approximately 35 cm tall
    - Over 22 points of articulations
    - Net on body, arms and legs
    - Rubber hair with tribal accessories
    - One (1) pair of interchangeable mandibles
    - Six (6) pieces of interchangeable palms including:
    . One (1) pair of fists
    . One (1) pair of open palms
    . One (1) right palm for holding spear or shuriken
    . One (1) left palm for holding dagger


    - One (1) articulated shoulder cannon
    - One (1) extendable spear with dismembered alien head
    - One (1) metal dagger with sheath
    - One (1) pair of long blades attachable to forearm armor
    - One (1) shuriken
    - One (1) shuriken with blades


    - One (1) detachable bio-mask with LED light-up function
    - One (1) detachable embossed bio-mask with LED light-up function
    - Two (2) bone trophies
    - One (1) pair of forearm armor with six (6) interchangeable wrist metal blades of different lengths on the right
    - One (1) chest armor with leather-like straps and sculpted skulls
    - One (1) pair of thigh armor
    - One (1) pair of leg armor
    - Leather-like skirt with waist band
    - One (1) rocky ground diorama base with sculpted skull and ruptured alien head


      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 18 Jan 2025, 19:00