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american psycho
micky willis
Barbarian Fan
silver samourai2
16 participants

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Peintre / Painter
    Peintre / Painter

    Nombre de messages : 341
    Age : 53
    Localisation : Cypress, Texas
    Date d'inscription : 02/01/2012

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  citizenalpha Ven 05 Juil 2013, 17:17

     Coming soon !

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu ShangChi_WIP3_zpscdacd47d_1_

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu ShangChi_WIP1_zpsac49b3c1_1_


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 17688
    Age : 61
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  jarvis69 Ven 05 Juil 2013, 19:50

    cheers  Yeah ! Thanks a lot for this " Under utilized " character    Wink 

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu RECAST
    silver samourai2
    silver samourai2
    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 6961
    Age : 43
    Localisation : arras
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  silver samourai2 Mar 09 Juil 2013, 01:04

    va falloir créer une section pour celui là et les autres ...Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu 2426548061 
    Peintre / Painter
    Peintre / Painter

    Nombre de messages : 341
    Age : 53
    Localisation : Cypress, Texas
    Date d'inscription : 02/01/2012

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  citizenalpha Mer 10 Juil 2013, 05:17

    jarvis69 a écrit:cheers  Yeah ! Thanks a lot for this " Under utilized " character    Wink 

     Looks like it's just you and me, buddy :-)
    Producteur / Producer
    Producteur / Producer

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 11628
    Age : 48
    Date d'inscription : 10/12/2008

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  Furet03 Mer 10 Juil 2013, 06:35

    No ! me to ! Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu 2426548061 

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu 2

    Blog Marvel Collector
    Peintre / Painter
    Peintre / Painter

    Nombre de messages : 341
    Age : 53
    Localisation : Cypress, Texas
    Date d'inscription : 02/01/2012

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  citizenalpha Mer 10 Juil 2013, 08:00

    Now it's a party bourre
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 5269
    Age : 67
    Localisation : saint-germain-en-laye
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  mimic Mer 10 Juil 2013, 08:49

    I want this guy too;)

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 17688
    Age : 61
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  jarvis69 Mer 10 Juil 2013, 14:27

    citizenalpha a écrit:
    jarvis69 a écrit:cheers  Yeah ! Thanks a lot for this " Under utilized " character    Wink 

     Looks like it's just you and me, buddy :-)

    Furet03 a écrit:No ! me to ! Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu 2426548061 

    mimic a écrit:I want this guy too;)

     We are four well-informed persons  about the Marvel universe and his best characters ( well ... maybe not the best but   ...The most remarkable. ) , that's all Wink
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 5269
    Age : 67
    Localisation : saint-germain-en-laye
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  mimic Mer 10 Juil 2013, 14:33

    citizenalpha a écrit:Now it's a party bourre

     And finally we are a dream team bonjour
    Peintre / Painter
    Peintre / Painter

    Nombre de messages : 341
    Age : 53
    Localisation : Cypress, Texas
    Date d'inscription : 02/01/2012

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  citizenalpha Ven 12 Juil 2013, 00:34

    Well here is a little more for the dream team (aka The Old Farts Club):

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu ShangChiWIP4_zps68d75bfc_1_

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu ShangChiWIP5_zpsea3134da_1_
    Barbarian Fan
    Barbarian Fan
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 5314
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Reims
    Date d'inscription : 15/06/2009

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  Barbarian Fan Ven 12 Juil 2013, 03:06

    Wow, beautifully sculpted and very clean !clap 
    May I ask who's the sculptor please ?
    Peintre / Painter
    Peintre / Painter

    Nombre de messages : 341
    Age : 53
    Localisation : Cypress, Texas
    Date d'inscription : 02/01/2012

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  citizenalpha Ven 12 Juil 2013, 03:09

    The sculptor is Alex de Souza Moraes. He sculpted Whirlwind and Lady Deathstrike for Bowen Designs.  He will be sculpting Spiral next.
    Barbarian Fan
    Barbarian Fan
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 5314
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Reims
    Date d'inscription : 15/06/2009

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  Barbarian Fan Ven 12 Juil 2013, 03:14

    Thank you Kenn !
    Yes Alex is a great sculptor, I've seen some of his works in the past, awesome !
    And this one is no exeption top
    Producteur / Producer
    Producteur / Producer

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 11628
    Age : 48
    Date d'inscription : 10/12/2008

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  Furet03 Ven 12 Juil 2013, 06:29

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Shang-Chi

    I hope he will have some ribbons at head and belt to give some dynamism to the piece, as the Bowen's Iron Fist Wink 

    He will go perfect with my bust, count me in.

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Custom_Iron_Fist

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu 2

    Blog Marvel Collector
    Peintre / Painter
    Peintre / Painter

    Nombre de messages : 341
    Age : 53
    Localisation : Cypress, Texas
    Date d'inscription : 02/01/2012

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  citizenalpha Ven 12 Juil 2013, 06:35

    That is a beautiful Iron Fist. The base is awesome!

    Shang Chi is not complete just yet :-)
    Producteur / Producer
    Producteur / Producer

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 11628
    Age : 48
    Date d'inscription : 10/12/2008

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  Furet03 Ven 12 Juil 2013, 06:39

    citizenalpha a écrit:That is a beautiful Iron Fist. The base is awesome!

    Shang Chi is not complete just yet :-)

    So... Ribbons ?

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu 2

    Blog Marvel Collector
    Peintre / Painter
    Peintre / Painter

    Nombre de messages : 341
    Age : 53
    Localisation : Cypress, Texas
    Date d'inscription : 02/01/2012

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  citizenalpha Ven 12 Juil 2013, 06:44

    Of course. How else would he untie his belt and headband? Wink
    Producteur / Producer
    Producteur / Producer

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 11628
    Age : 48
    Date d'inscription : 10/12/2008

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  Furet03 Ven 12 Juil 2013, 06:46


    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu 2

    Blog Marvel Collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 17688
    Age : 61
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  jarvis69 Ven 12 Juil 2013, 13:12

    cheers  Yeah !  Can't wait  !  拉里·布拉沃   Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu 2426548061

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu RECAST
    silver samourai2
    silver samourai2
    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 6961
    Age : 43
    Localisation : arras
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  silver samourai2 Ven 12 Juil 2013, 18:44

    citizenalpha a écrit:The sculptor is Alex de Souza Moraes. He sculpted Whirlwind and Lady Deathstrike for Bowen Designs.  He will be sculpting Spiral next.

    I will take the spiral bust for sure! and maybe some others xmen if you continue to produce some:!!lol!!lol: 
    Peintre / Painter
    Peintre / Painter

    Nombre de messages : 341
    Age : 53
    Localisation : Cypress, Texas
    Date d'inscription : 02/01/2012

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  citizenalpha Sam 13 Juil 2013, 00:25

    silver samourai2 a écrit:
    citizenalpha a écrit:The sculptor is Alex de Souza Moraes. He sculpted Whirlwind and Lady Deathstrike for Bowen Designs.  He will be sculpting Spiral next.

    I will take the spiral bust for sure! and maybe some others xmen if you continue to produce some:!!lol!!lol: 

     While I am a huge fan of classic X-Men, there are other producers who have this section of the Marvel U under control. I prefer to stick to the classic "under utilized" Marvel characters. Spiral and Sugar Man are the only two I plan to produce and that is because I feel they would stand out as visually striking busts. I would have liked to have produced Nimrod, but Helder has already said he is working on him for someone else.
    silver samourai2
    silver samourai2
    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 6961
    Age : 43
    Localisation : arras
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  silver samourai2 Sam 13 Juil 2013, 00:32

    citizenalpha a écrit:
    silver samourai2 a écrit:
    citizenalpha a écrit:The sculptor is Alex de Souza Moraes. He sculpted Whirlwind and Lady Deathstrike for Bowen Designs.  He will be sculpting Spiral next.

    I will take the spiral bust for sure! and maybe some others xmen if you continue to produce some:!!lol!!lol: 

     While I am a huge fan of classic X-Men, there are other producers who have this section of the Marvel U under control. I prefer to stick to the classic "under utilized" Marvel characters. Spiral and Sugar Man are the only two I plan to produce and that is because I feel they would stand out as visually striking busts. I would have liked to have produced Nimrod, but Helder has already said he is working on him for someone else.

    these 2 are interesting
    you don't need to do the entire x men universe alone:!!lol!!lol: 
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 5269
    Age : 67
    Localisation : saint-germain-en-laye
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  mimic Sam 13 Juil 2013, 00:43

    2 characters  I love frote
    micky willis
    micky willis

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 9145
    Age : 47
    Localisation : In the clouds
    Date d'inscription : 11/12/2008

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  micky willis Dim 14 Juil 2013, 17:54

    silver samourai2 a écrit:va falloir créer une section pour celui là et les autres ...Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu 2426548061 

    En effet! Notre ami a l'air bien motivé pour ses "Under utilized" geek

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Snoopy

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 17688
    Age : 61
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  jarvis69 Dim 14 Juil 2013, 18:18

    micky willis a écrit:
    silver samourai2 a écrit:va falloir créer une section pour celui là et les autres ...Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu 2426548061 

    En effet! Notre ami a l'air bien motivé pour ses "Under utilized" geek

     Si vous connaissiez sa liste 

    Kenn a de quoi occupé plusieurs sculpteurs a plein temps   Laughing 

    quick translation : with his preview list , Kenn can  give a full time job to several sculptors  Wink

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu RECAST

    Contenu sponsorisé

    Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu Empty Re: Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu

    Message  Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Ven 13 Déc 2024, 19:23