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    STAR WARS: COMMANDER GREE 12" FIGURE sith scale figure

    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 18091
    Age : 53
    Localisation : somewhere in space and time
    Date d'inscription : 01/02/2009

    STAR WARS: COMMANDER GREE 12" FIGURE sith scale figure Empty STAR WARS: COMMANDER GREE 12" FIGURE sith scale figure

    Message  frankythegoon Mar 12 Juil 2011, 20:05

    STAR WARS: COMMANDER GREE 12" FIGURE sith scale figure Commander_gree_press01__Copier_

    STAR WARS: COMMANDER GREE 12" FIGURE sith scale figure Commander_gree_press02__Copier_

    STAR WARS: COMMANDER GREE 12" FIGURE sith scale figure Commander_gree_press03__Copier_

    STAR WARS: COMMANDER GREE 12" FIGURE sith scale figure Commander_gree_press04__Copier_

    STAR WARS: COMMANDER GREE 12" FIGURE sith scale figure Commander_gree_press05__Copier_

    STAR WARS: COMMANDER GREE 12" FIGURE sith scale figure Commander_gree_press06__Copier_

    STAR WARS: COMMANDER GREE 12" FIGURE sith scale figure Commander_gree_press07__Copier_

    STAR WARS: COMMANDER GREE 12" FIGURE sith scale figure Commander_gree_press08__Copier_

    Images HD


    Date de sortie : 4ème trimestre 2011
    Prix de sortie : 124,99$
    Product Type: 12 inch Figure
    Product Size:12" H (304.8mm)
    Product Weight:4.00 lbs (1.81 kg)
    Box Size:17.00" H (431.8mm) x 9.00" W (228.6mm) x 6.00" L (152.4mm)


    Tim Niver
    Tim Hanson
    Jared Chapman
    David Whitford
    The Sideshow Collectibles Design and Development Team

    Infinity, so beautiful, has turned my soul to ice and crystallised eternity.
    For all my future time she turned the key of endlessness and locked me in a dream.
    STAR WARS: COMMANDER GREE 12" FIGURE sith scale figure Nebuleuse

      La date/heure actuelle est Ven 13 Déc 2024, 20:13